Why Organize?

Having problems or concerns at your job or company. This website is
for you. It was built with you in mind. You see many workers today like their
job, but simply need a VOICE to make it a
JOB. That can be accomplished with a Union where you work. This
site is here to help you understand all this fuss about Unions and the IBEW.
It is brought to you by the folks of The
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) and thousands of
other workers that feel like you do.
The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers represents
workers in thousands of various jobs. Primarily in the fields of Electrical
Construction, Utility Workers including Gas Workers, Manufacturing of Electrical
and Electronic Products, Telecommunication & Telephone workers, and
Government Employees of all kinds.
We hope you will find this entire site useful and informative. If there is
something that you wish to know that you can't find here, please
us an e-mail We will get back to you in short order.
You may have many questions about the IBEW and Unions. We have
provided convenient links to give you the answers you seek. It is in the related information section on the right. You will never be more than a mouse click away from this
home page or any of this useful content.
As an example. Did you know about the "At Will
Doctrine". You are probably an "At Will Employee". Most employees
in America are. Can you be fired for little or no reason. Click
here to see what the Federal Government (NLRB) has to say about that.
Please come back often.
can also e-mail us. Of course it will remain confidential.