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Preventing High Blood Pressure

Knowing the facts about high blood pressure can help you prevent or control the disease. You can be proactive in preventing high blood pressure-or managing it.

When blood pressure gets too high-a consistent reading of 140/90 or higher-your health is at risk. High blood pressure is unhealthy because when the heart constantly works at higher pressure, its walls thicken, and it becomes heavy and less efficient. If you have high blood pressure, or hypertension, you are more vulnerable to stroke, heart disease, kidney failure and congestive heart failure.

High blood pressure can occur as you age and arteries stiffen or become clogged. Contributing factors for the disease are overweight, lack of exercise, too much salt in the diet and excessive alcohol consumption.

Your blood pressure fluctuates during the day, responding to changes such as exercise, stress, heat and cold. Blood pressure is lowest when you're asleep. Hypertension only kicks in when your blood pressure is consistently high.

How is Blood Pressure Measured?

Blood pressure measures two kinds of pressure. The top number (systolic pressure) is a measure of the peak force exerted on your blood vessels as your heart pumps blood. The bottom number (diastolic pressure) depicts the pressure between beats.

You can have normal diastolic blood pressure and still have hypertension if your systolic number is elevated, says Patrick J. Mulrow, M.D., of the World Hypertension League. It's called systolic hypertension, and that's bad because it typically can lead to strokes, he says.

By following recommended steps, you can reduce your risk of developing high blood pressure or better control the disease once you've been diagnosed.



July 2001 IBEW Journal

What You Can Do to Prevent or Manage High Blood Pressure:

  • Maintain a Healthy Weight
  • Become Physically Active
  • Reduce Salt and Sodium Intake
  • Avoid Excess Alcohol Consumption