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German car manufacturer Volkswagen supplied the IBEW with an inadvertent promotion in an ad to sell its own product.

In the effort to sell the Jetta, a new Volkswagen ad compares the idea of buying a cheaper car to the danger of using an unqualified electrician.

The full-page ad that appeared in newspapers June 16 depicts what seems to be a torn advertisement from a telephone directory under the Electric Contractors category. The boxed ad with an illustration of an electriciancomplete with the IBEWs trademark lighting boltssays Uncertified Electricians for less. Their motto: We put the ow in Power! The phone number is 1-866-SHOCKME.

The ad text argues for quality over price. Do you go with the slightly cheaper one and pay dearly in the long run or do you get the one you really want?

Thanks for the free plug, Volkswagen! We cannot return the favor, however, because VW assembles all of its North American cars in Mexico and Germany.

Carmaker Ad
Quality Work

August 2001 IBEW Journal

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