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Robert "Tiger" Hammond III, Local 130, New Orleans, Louisiana: I nominate my fellow New Orleanian, Brother Mel Horton. I could list many things Mel has accomplished, but personal accolades are not what Mel is about. Mel’s about making things happen, positive, progressive, proactive things. Mel’s about demonstrating an ability to get the job done.

Vice-President Melvin W. Horton
5th District

Vice President Melvin W. Horton: Theodore Roosevelt said, "The credit in life does not go to the critic who stands on the sideline…but to those people who are actually in the arena whose faces may get marred by sweat and dirt and blood, who…if they win, know the thrill of high achievement; and if they fail, at least fail daring greatness…their place would never be with those very cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat." I want to thank the leadership and the membership of the Fifth District for providing me with this honor to continue to serve.