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IBEW Sends $341,500 to Fight Right-to-Work

October/November 2001 IBEW Journal

The IBEW contributed $341,500 at the 36th International Convention for a final push that fell just short against right-to-work in a September 25 special election in Oklahoma. Right-to-work was enacted by a margin of 68,000 votes out of 825,000 cast.

IBEW President Edwin D. Hill announced to the convention Wednesday that IBEW Local 6, San Francisco, contributed $25,000 and Local 1141, Oklahoma City, sent $100,000, a total matched by IBEW-PACs political education fund.

That announcement was followed by word of $25,000 from Local 613, Atlanta, Georgia; $25,000 from Local 164, Jersey City, New Jersey; $25,000 from Local 53, Kansas City, Missouri; $10,000 from Local 292, Minneapolis; $21,500 from Local 58 in Detroit; and $10,000 from the Arizona State Association.

Kevin Blackburn, business manager of Local 1002, Tulsa, thanked the contributors on behalf of Oklahomas seven IBEW locals. Blackburn also relayed the thanks of Oklahoma State AFL-CIO President Jim Curry, who gave a forewarning on the outcome when he said labors opponents "have very deep pockets." 

36th Convention
September 10-14, 2001