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ILCA Awards for the IBEW Journal

January 2, 2002

Best Front Page and Cover - November 2000 
First Award

cover1.gif (135087 bytes)"Without foreknowledge, it's hard to tell if this cover is all black and white, or whether there's a hint of color in the background.  Is it a photo or an artist's illustration?  In any case, it's a powerful image that captures the viewer's immediate attention, exactly what a magazine cover is supposed to do." -- ILCA

Best Editorial Column - "On The Rise" First Award

"A well deserved pat on the back for the extensive organizational efforts of the IBEW and other unions.  This inspiring message is chock full of useful statistics that illuminate the increased membership in 1999." -- ILCA

honorablemention.gif (51293 bytes)
Charlie Will Scott, 
Local 84, Atlanta, GA. 
shot of  Craig Foster
shown in December
 2000 Journal.

Best Original Photo - First Award

" A knockout visually and aesthetically!" -- ILCA.

Saul Miller Graphics Award
Award of Excellence

battleground.jpg (95411 bytes)"The front page of the October issue was an extremely creative, contemporary montage combining a sense of the union 's multiple crafts/Industries combined with what politics should be about in its best sense:  building a better future.  Choice of typefaces and alternating colors sent a wonderfully complimentary message (Members...Power...Future) and when combined with the graphic elements (e.g. power transmission, tradition draft, computers) really made the message powerful (no pun intended).  This was a top-of-the-craft graphic layout." -- ILCA

"The chart that capered the historical view of the federal budget and thefacts.gif (47919 bytes) unemployment rate was a work of art.  This was an incredible amount of historical information presented in a very clear manner; great use of color, easy-to-read and sized typefaces, and enough curriculum material for a three-hour, upper level class in political economy.  It should be used in classes by all international union education departments as well as the George Meany Labor Center.  It's that good." -- ILCA

Journal Scores Big in ILCA Awards
ILCA Web site