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Safety Poster Contest

Since the founding of the IBEW in 1891, one of its primary goals has been to promote safety and healthnot only for the worker but also for the workers family. The IBEW was one of the first unions to have a full-time Safety Department and one of the first to require Local Union Safety Committees in its Constitution. Continuing this proud tradition of being a leader in promoting safety and health, International President Edwin D. Hill and International Secretary-Treasurer Jeremiah J. OConnor are pleased to announce the 2002 Safety Poster Contest.

The winners of the 2002 Safety Poster Contest will be awarded cash prizes as follows:




(2) AT $50 EACH

The Rules

The contest is open to all active IBEW members only. To be eligible for the contest, the posters must address safety either in the workplace, at home, or at play. The art work may be done either in black and white or in color. The wording on the poster should be limited.

Each poster must be submitted on 8-1/2 x 11 inch white unruled paper or poster board. Posters cannot include a companys logo or company name. A contestant may submit a maximum of three (3) posters. The following information must appear on the back of each poster entered: Name, Address, City, State, Zip Code and Local Union Number.

Posters not complying with the above criteria will not be judged.

Posters will be judged on (a) content of the safety message; (b) originality; and (c) art work. All posters become the property of the IBEW and may be used in any manner by the IBEW.

Mail entries to Director, IBEW Safety and Health Department, 1125 15th Street, N.W., Suite 1110, Washington, D.C. 20005. Deadline for entries is March 31, 2002.

The winning posters will be published in future issues of the IBEW Journal. The winners will be notified by mail.