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July/August 2005 IBEW Journal

Waiting for the Future

L.U. 48 (c,em,i,rtb,rts&st), PORTLAND, OR—As the weather remains damp after a dry winter, Local 48 brothers and sisters are staying busy by doing volunteer work for groups such as Habitat for Humanity. In addition, members are donating many hours to bring lighting to numerous area high school sporting venues. There is always room for more volunteers to join in and help out these worthwhile projects.

The 2005 AFL-CIO Union-Industries Show was held April 29-May 2 at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland. The Convention Center was constructed by union labor and is considered a showcase in both the city of Portland and the state of Oregon. The members who live in southwest Washington are also proud of the product. Union trades were on display over a four-day period that offered a glimpse of what each trade does plus glimpses of the finished products. There was an endless stream of drawings for wonderful gifts from all of the participants. It was a great weekend of union solidarity.

The Books are still full waiting for the work to finally break. With projects finally starting to go delays are encountered as the cost of building materials has skyrocketed. This creates a "re-bidding" situation and further delays to the start of building.

Dave Jacobsen, P.S.

Star Plant Award

IBEW Local 51 members employed at Clinton
Power Station, joined by IBEW officers and
company representatives, display star work
site banner. From left, back row: Jim Bates,
John Johnson, Tom Dwyer, Jack Woodford
and Bill Toohey; middle row, Bobby Dean,
Kevin Ripley, Karlene Knisley and Dominic
Rivara; front row, J.R. Lelm, Tracy Rigg,
Mel Craig and Stacy Wisegarver.

L.U. 51 (catv,lctt,o,rtb,t&u), SPRINGFIELD, IL—Clinton Power Station was recognized as a VPP Star Plant by OSHA earlier this year [see article in the IBEW Journal, June 2005]. This voluntary safety program ensures that all employees are willing to go beyond the normal safety commitments to be the safest they can be. CPS is the only nuclear power plant in Illinois to receive the honor and this plant is under the IBEW Sixth District jurisdiction. This program would not have even gotten off the ground without Local 51 members urging the company to become involved in VPP Star. This award demonstrates once again that IBEW members are at the forefront of doing the job right and doing it safely. Congratulations, brothers and sisters.

On the organizing front Local 51 welcomes 31 new members employed by the City of Princeton in the electric, water and wastewater departments. A first agreement was reached in October after 18 months of negotiations. Bus. Mgr. Dominic Rivara and Bus. Rep. Tom Peterson are commended for a job well done.

Local 51 wishes a long and prosperous retirement to: Bro. Glen Holliday, a 38-year member of the Springfield Unit employed by M.J.M. Cooperative; Tom Miller, line clearance trimmer and a 35-year member of the Construction Unit; and Int. Sec.-Treas. Emeritus Jerry J. O’Connor, a fellow Sixth District brother.

Attend your union meetings; this is where it all begins.

Dan Pridemore, B.R./P.S.

Rodeo Champs

Local 57 journeyman
linemen Eric Jackson,
Sam Freitag and Alex
Phillips hoist a champion-
ship trophy won at the
2004 International
Lineman’s Rodeo.

L.U. 57 (lctt,mo,o,t&u), SALT LAKE CITY, UT—A team of Local 57 journeyman linemen won a championship trophy at the 21st annual International Lineman’s Rodeo held Sept. 9-11, 2004, in Overland Park, KS. Bros. Alex Phillips, Sam Freitag and Eric Jackson represented Local 57 in the Contractor Division. Their talents and hard work paid off well. Local 57 members are proud of these highly skilled men and we congratulate them. A Local 57 team last won this championship in 1997.

Other sponsors of the team included Sturgeon Electric, Par Electric, Wasatch Electric and Mountain States Apprenticeship. Second place overall apprentice award was won by Todd Jamison from Mountain States Apprenticeship.

We applaud the abilities of these gifted men. They are all an asset to the local and to the industry.

Deanna Gill, P.S.

Wind Technology Agreement

L.U. 58 (em,i,rtb&spa), DETROIT, MI—On Friday May 13, 130 graduating apprentices from the eight classes indentured in 1998 celebrated at their turnout banquet at the Ukrainian Cultural Center in Warren. Six students, Paul Noechel, William Lochirco, Arnold Fortenza, Yvonne Lippens, Vance LaMee and Brian Darmetko, were given special recognition and an award as outstanding apprentices based on perfect attendance and grade point average.

Driven by our Apprentice Committee and Dir. Gary Polulak, the school competed and won a $60,000 photovoltaic grant from the Energy Office of the state of Michigan. The students will be participating in installing a 17.5 kW solar photovoltaic roof mounted system. Also through the LMCC the school will be the site of a 65-foot wind turbine. The city of Warren permits were granted; work should begin in August. Jeff Radjewski had the honor of working with Int. Pres. Edwin D. Hill recently on the committee that ironed out language for a National Wind Technology Agreement between the inside and outside electrical branches. These technologies will be part of our nation’s energy portfolio and will bring work into our area in the future. It is a feather in our cap to see this level of leadership at the Det-EJATC and Local 58.

Kathy Devlin, P.S.

San Antonio Work

Local 60 Apprentice of
the Year Wade Yuker
(left) receives award
presented by Seventh
District Int. Rep. Gary

L.U. 60 (i), SAN ANTONIO, TX—Our work situation is rapidly improving and we anticipate needing a substantial number of "traveling" brothers and sisters sometime this summer. Recently (in April) though, calls have occasionally been filled by Book II. Our Job Line (210-337-0009) is updated daily, with the last update at approximately 5:30 p.m. Our Web site www.ibewlu60.org also has important information and updates. All referrals to Toyota must have completed Code of Excellence and OSHA 10 training. We will offer these classes at our hall on an as needed basis. Traveling brothers and sisters need to have a "letter of introduction" from their business manager and should be enrolled on the ERTS system to make sure all benefits go to the proper funds.

Wade Yuker was named Local 60’s Outstanding Apprentice and participated in the Seventh District contest. Congratulations, Wade, and thanks for representing Local 60 well. Wade is also student council president and was involved in coordinating the first annual Apprentice Student Council golf tournament, which was a great success. Thanks to all the apprentice volunteers for a great time and tournament.

Armando Rodriguez, P.S.