Union Plus Benefits Assist Members Hit by Crisis
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Union Plus is launching a new benefits program, called Union SAFE—for Security, Assistance and Financial Education—to provide a wide array of benefits.

Benefits under the Union SAFE initiative for eligible members include:

  • Credit counseling services, budgeting advice and no-fee debt management and bankruptcy counseling benefits.
  • Hospital Care Grants of $1,000 to help members who have been hit with large, unreimbursed hospital expenses who participate in the Union Plus credit card, mortgage or UnionSecure insurance programs.
  • Job Loss Grants of $250 for Union Plus credit card holders who have been recently laid off for more than 90 days.
  • Mortgage Assistance to help Union Plus mortgage holders who become unemployed, disabled or go on strike, make their payments.

Union SAFE also offers a college savings grant of $500 to members who open new 529 tax-free college savings accounts or pre-paid tuition accounts by June 30, 2009.

“America’s unions and Union Plus are doing what we can right now to assist members in trouble—especially those who participate in a Union Plus program,” Leslie Tolf, president of Union Privilege says.

Grant applications are available at www.UnionPlus.org/UnionSAFE.