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Local Lines & Retirees |
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Winter Work Scheduled | |
L.U. 8 (as,em,i,mar,mt,rts,s&spa), TOLEDO, OH—Hello, brothers and sisters. I hope all is well with you and your family as we move into the fast approaching holiday season. As calls continue to come in, the number of out-of-work members has decreased and things are shaping up to be a decent winter. Let's hope Mother Nature provides a mild winter, enabling construction jobs to move forward. The annual Labor Day parade was a great success. As usual, Local 8 members can be proud of the large turnout, showing support for all of the working class. After the parade, a picnic was held for all Local 8 members and their families. It was a great time for all. Thanks to Jason Szymanski and his volunteers, who helped make both events a huge success. Local 8's annual perch tournament was held Sept. 10 and everyone had a great time. Lance Geldien and his team took 1st place; Mike Johnson and his team took 2nd; Jim Trendel and his team took 3rd; and Brad Thurman and his team took 4th. Jim Kozlowski took the prize for the biggest perch. Thanks to everyone who helped make the tournament a big success. As always work safe! |
Class of 2011 JATC Graduates |
L.U. 20 (em,i,mt,spa,t&u), DALLAS-FORT WORTH, TX—The North Texas Electrical JATC held its annual completion dinner at the Sheraton Grand Hotel on June 3. IBEW Local 20 and the North Texas Chapter NECA both give an Outstanding Apprentice Award to a graduating apprentice for an overall outstanding performance. This year both awards were presented to James Irvin. Awards are presented to apprentices for outstanding performance at school and on the job. Taken into consideration are their grades, attendance, attitude and community involvement. Local 20 Gold Pliers Award recipients: James Moats (1st year), Ronald Pratt Jr. (2nd year), Jason Raburn (3rd year), and John Moncevais (4th year). NECA Achievement Award recipients: James Moats (1st year), Ronald Pratt Jr. (2nd year), Jason Raburn (3rd year), and John Moncevais (4th year). The Local 20 Dallas Federal Credit Union Award: Jeffrey Daulton (1st year), Timothy Vernon (2nd year), Jesus Hernandez (3rd year), Corey Jackson (4th year), and Gregory Ramos (5th year). Fort Worth Local 116 Federal Credit Union Award recipients: James Irvin and Gregory Ramos. Perfect Attendance Award: Gregory Ramos and Lon Williford. |
![]() Local 20, North Texas JATC 2011 graduates attend Apprenticeship Completion Dinner. Front row, from left: Christopher Walker, James Irvin, Jorge Camacho, Christian Barzaga, John Gray, Christopher Henson and Justin Dodson. Back row: Lon Williford, Augustin Montoya, Matthew Montejo, Cody Hughes and Gregory Ramos. |
Camaraderie Celebrated |
L.U. 26 (ees,em,es,govt,i&mt), WASHINGTON, DC—At year's end, we are thankful for the many great times enjoyed by our members in 2011—including our golf outing, summer picnics, bowling tournament, softball tournament and shoots. This month we have the Roanoke, Front Royal and D.C. Christmas parties. Congratulations to the Local 26 softball team, who dominated this year's tournament and brought home the 1st place trophy! Great job! Several members passed away since our last article: Elijah A. Byrd Sr., Thomas F. Williams Jr., Jack O. Humphrey, Karl P. Grimm, Samuel D. Fletcher, Jimmy O. Mullins, Terry P. Campbell, William J. Wetmore, Francis J. Healy, Robert S. Murray, William J. Lewis, David M. Anderson, Dennis D. Lockwood Jr., Harold S. Goldsmith and Alvin P. Shifflett. Best wishes to new retirees: Leonard J. Collins, Steven M. Custard, Alvin E. Henry, Frederick A. Reckeweg, Michael J. Garrett, Jerry R. Jones, John M. Calomeris, Sherman K. Linwood, Jay K. Inglish, John J. Kirby, Dale C. McCammon, Richard J. Maholtz, James L. Norris Sr., Gerald J. Bartelmes, Charles D. Vest, Dorcy Gilliam, Winston B. Wright, Lennox St. Cyr, Sam A. Beachy Jr., Kenneth W. Soehnlein Sr., Patrick J. Healy, Altha J. Bodkin, Victor R. Hewett, Roy G. Krieg and Larry M. Miller. Happy holidays to you and your family! |
![]() Local 26 softball team: front row, from left, Mark Duncan, Cameron Graham, Lindsey Shaner, Joe Masson, George Giggetts, Keith Campbell, Ben Killion-Conrad and Robert Elliott; back row, Chris Greinert, Martin McGraw, Dave Haddad, Chris Fanning, Dave Kirchner, Danny Mixon, Kevin Sutton, Shane Kramer, James Hendricks, Paul Winner and John Collins. |
Wind Turbine Installation |
L.U. 38 (i), CLEVELAND, OH—Local 38 members from Herbst Electric, Lake Erie Electric and Fresch Electric recently helped complete installation of the massive Lincoln Electric wind turbine. The turbine located on Lincoln Electric's property in Euclid, OH, is reportedly the tallest in the state and one of the largest in North America. The turbine hub sits at 279 feet high, and the tip of the top blade is 444 feet high. It weighs approximately 800,000 pounds and can produce 2.5 megawatts of power at 690 volts DC; it is converted to 4,160 volts AC on the ground and travels through nearly 4,000 feet of duct banks and overhead feeds for use in Lincoln Electric's facility. Another alternative energy project Local 38 members have been working on is the installation of a solar array on the roof at our JATC training center. Members installed 193 235-watt solar panels and six converters capable of producing 45 KW of power for our training center. The project will be used as a training tool for our members. |
![]() The Lincoln Electric wind turbine looms more than 40 stories in the air. |
Local Updates |
L.U. 42 (catv,em,govt,lctt&o), HARTFORD, CT—On Saturday, July 23, Local 42 held a benefit deep-sea chartered fishing trip on the Frances Fleet. The boat departed from Point Judith, RI, at 8 a.m. for a fun-filled day of fishing for all ages. The cost per person was $85, which included fishing rods, bait and tackle, gratuity for the crew for cleaning and bagging the fish, and lunch. For each ticket purchased by the members, Local 42 matched the price and made a donation to the Bridgeport Burn Center. The prize fish was caught by Jennifer Sharpe-Coles—a great surprise on her birthday! On Saturday, Aug. 27, Local 42 held its annual family picnic at the High Meadow Resort. Attendees enjoyed a wide variety of activities and delicious food. We thank the Retirees Club for conducting the 50/50 raffle and all those who donated. Local 42 thanks all of the 42 "A" and "BA" members, contractors and travelers for all the help with the Connecticut and Western Massachusetts power restoration in the aftermath of Hurricane Irene. |
![]() Local 42 member Jennifer Sharpe-Coles (left), D’Lanie Pelletier and Nate Coles enjoy local’s chartered fishing trip. |
Member Receives Labor Award |
L.U. 46 (as,c,cs,em,es,et,i,mar,mo,mt,rtb,rts&st), SEATTLE, WA—On Aug. 5, IBEW Local 46 member Nicole Grant was honored for her activism and devotion to the trade union movement at the Washington State Labor Council's annual convention in SeaTac, WA. Sister Grant received the Elsie Schrader Award for Outstanding Female Labor Leader of the Year because of her successful efforts, on behalf of her union, to pass three bills at the state legislature. Her consistent activism on several humanitarian and worker issues is also part of what gained this well-deserved recognition from the state's labor community. Congratulations, Sister Grant! |
![]() IBEW Local 46 member Nicole Grant (center) receives award presented by Washington State Labor Council Pres. Jeff Johnson and WSLC Sec.-Treas. Lynn Dodson. |
Wiremen's Golf Assoc. Tourney |
L.U. 58 (em,i,rtb&spa), DETROIT, MI—Local 58 had the pleasure and honor of hosting the 54th Annual Wiremen's Golf Association (WGA) Tournament held Aug. 16-20. Golf, great weather and brotherhood made this event a smash hit! The tournament was attended by 350 members from 29 local unions. The WGA Tournament is an annual event that moves from city to city in the East and Midwest. Any members interested in more information about the WGA, please visit the WGA's Web site at www.wiremensgolf.org or call the Local 58 office to contact Bro. Art DeCoste, WGA vice president. |
Congratulations to Graduates |
L.U. 76 (c,i,rts&st), TACOMA, WA—On Aug. 26, the Southwest Washington JATC held a dinner for the 2011 graduating class. Local 76 welcomes our new inside construction journeymen: Maria Anderson, Jason Becher, Kathryn Bier, Andrew Burkhard, Jakim Cabrera, Matthew Childress, Andrew Carman, Logan Collins, Allison Foster, Aaron Fritz, Steven Gaidrich, Nicholas Gilman Jr., Konstantin Golaev, Brian Hammon, John Herzog, Kevin Johnson, Jason Joines, Brad Jones, Jonathan Kays, Jason Kenser, Kevyn Kim, Timothy Knuth, Lars Knutson, Yevgeniy Kurkov, Chad Lansford, Darrin Lininger, Aaron Lowers, John McCaffery, Jason McClelland, Matthew Mosebach, Andrzej Planeta, Rusty Powell, Joey Roberts, Nicholas Roberts, Ron Schmitt, Richard Schommer, Derek Sledge, Paul Spinsa, Nicholas Stopherd, Paul Tanaka, Branden Whipple, Jonathan Whitman and Nick Wiess. Welcome also to our new low-voltage journeymen: Paul Freund III and Sonja McGahuey. We congratulate these new journeymen and wish them long, successful careers. |
![]() Local 76 honors class of 2011 JATC graduates. |
Retirement/25-Year Dinner |
L.U. 90 (i), NEW HAVEN, CT—Winter has arrived and we have some new projects going, but not enough to clear our book. We had our annual members summer outing in August. There was a good turnout as usual, even with a hurricane coming the next day. At the outing we held a fundraiser for our departed Bro. Steve Poulin's children's education fund; more than $4,550 was raised for this worthy cause. Thanks go to our members and contractors and vendors for their generosity. In October our annual Retirement/25 Year Pin Dinner was held. More than 200 members attended to celebrate these milestones. We wish our retirees the very best and thank them for all they have done for this local union and the IBEW. The recent retirees are: Vinny Anyzeski, Bill Bennett, Bill Dickey, Sal Depino, Mike Giorlando, Joel Goldberg, Ron Goode, John Hodge, Craig Leger, Mike Mierzejewski, Craig Newell, Pete Niziolek, Bill Shea, Bob Shumbo, Bill Street and Tom Umphlett Jr. Congratulations also to 25 year pin recipients: John Berry, Pete Cappola, Gary Card, Joe Fernicola, Kevin Heery, Bill Heimann, Luke Luzietti, Dana McCarthy, Kathy Pyrdol, Jim Rasile, Ed Serrano, Andy Tokarski, Brendan Toth, Kevin Walsh and Joe Zehnder. |
![]() Local 90 members attend annual Retirement / 25-Year Pin Dinner. |
A New Union Hall |
L.U. 96 (i), WORCESTER, MA—We've moved! Local 96 moved to our new home, at 242 Mill St., Worcester, MA 01602. Thanks to all members for their patience through construction. The building was worth the wait and is something we can call our own. At the annual apprenticeship banquet in May, perfect attendance awards were presented and graduating apprentices were honored. Worcester City Mgr. Michael V. O'Brien spoke, with a positive outlook on development and construction in the city. Congratulations to the graduates: Trevor Clark, David Coll, Kevin Courtney, Michael Derosier, Jason Graven, Edmond Gutierrez, Robert MacDonald, Brian Mondor, Brandon Pervier, William Robinson Jr., Jorge Rodriguez, Stephen Tangney and Christopher Walsh. Following the spring tornado that devastated western and central Massachusetts, Local 96 members assisted with debris clean-up in Sturbridge. Many thanks to volunteers: Bus. Rep. George Carpenter, Adam Chaffee, Nathan Daniel, Stephen Daniel, Derek Gilroy, Jacob Kilgore, Robert Mosher, Justin Nordquist, Benjamin Olen, Nick Pellegrino and Mark Vigeant. Our 25th Annual Golf Tournament was Sept. 30. Curt Swedburg and his foursome won. It was a great day and funds raised support the kids' Christmas party. Thanks to all who gave support and participated. We thank David delaGorgendiere for his years of service with the JATC. Best wishes in future endeavors, David. Happy holiday season and a prosperous New Year. Visit us online at www.ibewlocal96.org. Like us on Facebook. |
![]() IBEW Local 96 moved to its new union hall. |
Union Night at the Fisher Cat's Ballgame |
L.U. 104 (lctt,o&u), BOSTON, MA—On Aug. 22, more than 20 unions from across New Hampshire came together in Manchester, NH, with more than 500 members and their families, along with 11 New Hampshire state representatives and two state senators, to watch a Fisher Cat's ballgame in solidarity. This night was organized as union appreciation night to bring together all New Hampshire union members and their families along with the New Hampshire legislators both Democratic and Republican to say thank-you for all your hard work and support throughout this legislative session and a long, hard-fought battle against HB474, the "right-to-work" (for less) bill. The hard-working union members of New Hampshire are not out of the woods with all of the attacks on collective bargaining and against their pensions. Gov. John Lynch has vetoed bill HB474 and it now sits in the House of Representatives in the hands of Speaker of the House William O'Brien (R). Rep. O'Brien is now waiting till the next legislation session to see if he has enough votes on the floor to overturn the governor's veto and has said publicly that he will wait until the last minute if necessary. |
![]() IBEW Local 104 members and their families watch the New Hampshire Fisher Cat’s ballgame against the Trenton Thunder. |
ARRA Projects Underway |
L.U. 110 (em,i,rts,spa&u), ST. PAUL, MN—We have 25 members working on the Union Depot remodel and more working on our light-rail project in St. Paul. As of press time, 11 miles of light-rail construction will continue to put IBEW members to work for another 18 months. A new Transportation Maintenance Facility will be starting next spring and that project will last 18 months. This is all because of the ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) funding. Many people are saying that stimulus money is not putting anybody to work; that is just a blatant lie. At 25 percent unemployment in our local, we need more federal stimulus funding to get this construction economy out of this depression. Jamie McNamara, our longtime president, was elected to become our business manager. Jamie has a bold vision for our local to build our members' solidarity in our union and with the labor movement as a whole. For the fortunate locals that have work, thank you for putting our traveling brothers and sisters to work. |
![]() IBEW Local 110 electricians gather at the Union Depot project jobsite. |
Jobs & Organizing Drives |
L.U. 136 (ees,em,i,rtb&u), BIRMINGHAM, AL—Work has slowed this year with many of the power company's environmental projects (SCRs and scrubbers) being completed. It seems that future power company projects (baghouses) may be delayed until the outcome of next year's political races are decided. The GOP Republican candidates have promised that if elected, they will do everything in their power to abolish the regulatory systems in place such as the EPA, OSHA and the National Labor Relations Board. These agencies were established to protect working people and their core beliefs and rights: to work in a clean environment and have clean air and water; to be safe in the workplace and go home to their family intact every night; and to be treated fairly and respectfully in the workplace, without discrimination and prejudice. If the current EPA regulations are reversed or relaxed, these power company projects will not happen. Our organizers continue to work on creating more job opportunities for our members, and to spread the word to the unorganized. Special thanks to Int. Lead Organizer Joe Skinner for helping with our P&I (professional and industrial) organizing efforts. We have targeted several manufacturing and electrical co-operatives. Continued heartfelt thanks to all who supported tornado relief efforts in Alabama and other areas. |
![]() IBEW Local 136 has helped support tornado relief efforts in Alabama. |
2011 A Busy Year |
L.U. 160 (lctt,o&u), MINNEAPOLIS, MN—Among other things this year, Local 160 held its election of officers for a three-year term. Congratulations to Bro. Tom Koehler for winning another term as business manager/financial secretary. Congratulations also to Pres. Alan P. Radamacher, Vice Pres. Kurt W. Zimmerman, Rec. Sec. Barbara L. Kuck, and Treas. George G. Huber for winning their elections; and congratulations to five executive board members elected. Local 160 said a fond goodbye to Bro. James A. Anderson. Jim retired June 30 following 44 years with the IBEW and Local 160. Jim was initiated into the IBEW in 1967. Besides his career as a lineman, Jim also served as business representative for 29 years. We wish Jim a long and happy retirement. As Jim departs for a well-earned retirement, we welcome Bro. Charles Sable as Jim's replacement. We wish Charlie the best of luck as he begins his career as a business representative. Local 160 also extends a special thank-you to Bro. Daniel S. Seawell in his role as press secretary for Local 160 the past decade. Please work safely, brothers and sisters. |
Volunteers Serve Community |
L.U. 164 (c,em,i,o&t), JERSEY CITY, NJ—Work remains slow in northeastern New Jersey's three counties that comprise Local 164's territory. The only decent-size jobs in Bergen, Hudson and Essex Counties basically consist of power plants and switchyards and also data centers. Very few buildings are coming out of the ground. Everyone hopes for a better job picture next year. Despite the tough work picture, the Local 164 Volunteer Committee and hundreds of members do great work for the less fortunate. On April 15, Local 164's Project Grandma Committee hosted New Jersey's Golden Glove Finals in our 8,800 square-foot meeting hall. The "Original Rocky"—New Jersey's own Chuck Wepner, aka the "Bayonne Bleeder"—was our honored guest. The committee raised $15,000 for Project Grandma to help those who have breast cancer. Volunteer Chmn. Warren Becker, Ivan Tarabocchia and Mike McCarthy did an outstanding job wiring lights for the New Jersey Bergen County 9/11 Memorial, which was dedicated Sept. 10 at the Police and Fire Academy in Mahwah, NJ. A piece of steel I-beam was mounted on a marble base, with plaques surrounding the base. Firemen and policemen from Bergen County lost on that fateful day, as well as servicemen who gave their lives fighting in the Middle East, were honored. Special thanks to Dan Kelly of Multi-Phase Electric for donating the lighting and also to Paul Lowenstein of Bullet Electric for donating the use of a scissor lift. |
![]() Local 164 volunteers stand beside 9/11 memorial: from left, Ivan Tarabocchia, Volunteer Committee Chmn. Warren Becker and Mike McCarthy. |
Reflection on 2011 |
L.U. 196 (govt,mt,o,t&u), ROCKFORD, IL—As we begin to close the door on 2011 and I reflect on the past year of work in Local 196, there are a couple of moments that our local union can never forget. Two of our brothers were involved in fatal jobsite accidents this year and that, brothers and sisters, is two too many. One of our municipal linemen, Jeff Kissack, had a fatal electrical contact while working during an outage back in April. Jeff was an experienced lineman with nearly 30 years in the trade, a friend of mine that I worked on the truck with, and he is sorely missed. On Sept. 12 another member, Dan Green, was working on a lighting project when a tractor trailer cut a corner way too sharp and ran over Dan as he knelt to work on some conduit that had just been installed. He was several feet off of the roadway when he was struck by the trailer of the vehicle. We have to constantly be aware of our work zone and all of the associated dangers while watching out for each other at all times. Please, brothers and sisters, a moment of silence and prayer for all of our injured and killed IBEW family members this past year. Work safe, my friends. |
Officers Elected |
L.U. 222 (o), ORLANDO, FL—Congratulations to winners of the 2011 Local 222 election: Bus. Mgr./Fin. Sec. James M. "Mike" Bell, Pres. Bill Hitt, Vice Pres. Dale Smithmier, Rec. Sec. Fred Morgan, Treas. James Westbrook; Executive Board members James Puzon, Gary Robbins, Fred "Buzzy" Whisman and J.J. Zlotowski; and Examining Board members Jeff Carpenter, Willy Dezayas and David Ippolito. Bro. Smithmier and Bro. Bell were also elected as delegates to the International Convention. Local 222 officers and members wish all our brothers and sisters happy holidays and a prosperous 2012. |
IBEW Apprentice Graduates |
L.U. 234 (i&mt), CASTROVILLE, CA—Our local offers our heartfelt congratulations to all of the successful graduating apprentices of the IBEW. While acknowledging they face a currently distressed economy, we realize their technical, practical skills will be in great demand both over time and with the retirement of their mentors. As an integral part of an industry that has always been advancing to meet ever progressing technological developments, they will continually hone their skills in the field and through classroom training. We swell with pride for their achievements. Special congratulations to our own 2011 graduating Inside apprenticeship class. Graduation was held June 10 at the union run La Playa in Carmel. Our recent graduates are: Abraham Adams, Nicholas Castillo, Sergio Castillo, Peggy Evans, Devin Fehn, B.J. Heading, Bronson Huerta, Michael Kulich, David Mason, Phillipe Miccoli, Josh Murray, Omar Padilla, Jose Recio Jr., Paul Rivera, Gabriel Rodriguez, Raymond Sykes II and Moises Zuniga. |
![]() Local 234 Inside graduating class of 2011: from left, B.J. Heading, Phillipe Miccoli, Raymond Sykes II, Gabriel Rodriguez, Moises Zuniga, Abraham Adams, Michael Kulich, Devin Fehn, Bronson Huerta, Peggy Evans, David Mason, Omar Padilla, Josh Murray, Paul Rivera, Sergio Castillo and Jose Recio Jr. (Not pictured, Nicholas Castillo.) |
Fowlds a Super Steward |
L.U. 280 (c,ees,em,es,i,mo,mt,rts&st), SALEM, OR—As of this writing in October, work is abundant in the state of Oregon—but unfortunately not in our local. We are waiting on more news regarding the expansion of data centers in central Oregon and it looks as though more work for us will be upcoming, but not immediately. Many thanks to Locals 48 and 112 for keeping our members working until our projects start hiring. The largest thanks of all goes to Bro. Jeff Fowlds, who did a tremendous job as steward on the Facebook project in Prineville. Bro. Jeff was the driving force of good brotherhood and unionism, as this data center was a model of what union labor can do. This job was a high pressure and tight deadline project and Local 280 shined with top craftsmanship, showing the owners of Facebook that the IBEW gives the best value! The September picnic at Timber-Linn was a huge success. Bus. Mgr. Tim Frew thanks all who attended and enjoyed the great festivities. The retirees were there to the enjoyment of all, there were children's games, and the weather was perfect. Bus. Mgr. Tim Frew and his staff wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! |
![]() Local 280 union steward Bro. Jeff Fowlds (left) receives his 20-year IBEW pin from Bus. Mgr. Tim Frew at a Central Oregon Unit meeting. |
U.S. Labor Sec. Solis Visits – Supports American Jobs Act |
L.U. 292 (em,govt,i,rtb,rts&spa), MINNEAPOLIS, MN—More than 800 members voted on Sept. 28 on a NECA proposed contract, which covers the current year through April 2012. The contract passed with 64 percent of the vote. Due to the economy our work outlook remains stagnate, and many of our members are travelling to other locals; we thank those locals for accepting our travelling brothers and sisters. In September U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda L. Solis visited Minneapolis to discuss the American Jobs Act's potential to put 7,500 Minnesotans back to work. Secretary Solis called on all union members to support the President's initiative to revitalize the crumbling infrastructure and put our members back to work. This is the fourth holiday season that Local 292 and Local 110 (St. Paul, MN) have supported the IBEW Holiday Lights in the Park. More than 50 larger-than-life holiday light sculptures and animated displays are set up in St. Paul's beautiful Phalen Park. The drive is more than a half-mile long and is bordered by Lake Phalen and the Phalen Golf Course. |
![]() U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda L. Solis joins IBEW Local 292 officers in front of a crumbling bridge structure in Minneapolis. From left: Local 292 Bus. Rep. Jeff Carlson, Vice Pres. Dan Ferguson, Solis, Press Sec. Carl Madsen, Treas. Ric Chantry, Fin. Sec. Pete Lindahl and Bus. Mgr. Rodger Kretman. |
Welcome to New Members |
L.U. 300 (govt,i,mt&u), MONTPELIER, VT—Local 300 welcomes its newest members to the IBEW—Winooski Police Department employees. We wish you well and look forward to working with you in the future. I thank all the men and women who gave a helping hand during the clean-up and restoration efforts following hurricane Irene. Vermont was devastated by the hurricane and continues to feel the wrath of Mother Nature. At this writing, we are presently working diligently to repair Vermont's infrastructure prior to the winter. At press time, the merger/acquisition of Vermont's two largest utility companies, Green Mountain Power (GMP) and Central Vermont Public Service (CVPS), is in full force and underway. The IBEW looks forward to working with the companies in the attempt to create a unified work force on all fronts. Local 300 has intervened in the merger/acquisition at the Public Service Board to ensure promises are kept and members are treated fairly. Show your support at the public meetings. The Local 300 office staff and officers wish all IBEW members a safe and happy holiday season. Be well, be safe, and be there for others. |
![]() IBEW utility workers in Vermont assess Hurricane Irene damage. Power was lost to more than 70,000 customers. |
Big Solar Project for School District |
L.U. 302 (i,rts&spa), MARTINEZ, CA—Brothers and sisters, while the current work situation is bleak we had a ray of sunshine this past summer—reportedly "the largest solar contract awarded by a school district in the entire country." This according to John Hunter, president of Del Monte Electric, who performed all aspects of covered work on projects for the Mt. Diablo & San Ramon Unified School Districts using a peak of 150 Local 302 journeymen and apprentice level inside wiremen. In a letter sent to Bus. Mgr. Mike Yarbrough, John wrote the following: "I would like to personally thank you and the many members of IBEW Local 302 who worked on our SunPower solar contracts. ... These projects had exceptionally tight schedules and involved work that many in your local and our company were not entirely familiar with. … This was only possible because of the very talented and motivated electricians that were dispatched. … The quality of work was outstanding, and the rates of installation were very impressive. In fact, SunPower told us that they have never seen anyone install the quantity of PV panels per day that were achieved by our crews." |
Labor Day Parades & Rallies |
L.U. 304 (lctt,o&u), TOPEKA, KS—We were proud sponsors of the Labor Day parades held in Topeka and Hoisington. Sept. 5 marked Topeka's tenth parade and rally, with more than 20 unions participating and 3,000 people lining the streets supporting working men and women. More than 50 members and families walked in both parades. The rally at the State Capitol in Topeka brought music, speakers, a cookout and refreshments. Hoisington had a picnic in the park after the parade there, with members and families participating. Contributions by members purchased a picnic table, which was donated to the City Park in Hoisington. Bro. Robert Jacobson received his 60-year service pin and award at the Retirees Club meeting in June. "Little Jake," as he is known, is a proud union member and has many memories of his working days as a journeyman lineman. We also proudly brag on other senior members including: 50-year members Maynard Beck, Douglas Coleman, Leon Green and Jackie LaRue; 55-year members Ernest Bracken and Robert Williams; 60-year members Robert Denton, Derald Hogan and Albert Leslie; and 65-year member Edmond Askren Jr. United Way Labor Kickoff was Aug. 25 at the hall. Be generous and donate to this good cause. |
![]() Local 304 retiree Robert "Jake" Jacobson (left) receives 60-year pin presented by Retirees Club Pres. Doug Fisher. |
'Fix Bayonets & Charge— To the Polls' |
L.U. 306 (i), AKRON, OH—Brothers and sisters, we are in a fight for survival of the American way of life and the middle class as we have known it. Through blood, sweat, tears and taxes, we have been able to provide for our families and better living conditions for many of our neighbors. Currently, our jobs, natural resources and investments are flowing across the oceans while politicians posture themselves with many of the 11,700 registered lobbyists working Capitol Hill. Do you ever wonder whose interests are really represented in the halls of our government? The chief weapon we have to fight power, money and influence is the magic bullet of democracy—your individual vote. Use it and use it wisely; the way of life you save may be your own! We celebrated our annual Pig Roast on Oct. 1. It's always a winner for our membership and benefits local programs also. Thanks to all who work hard and make this happen from all who enjoyed it.Santa will visit our local Christmas party Dec. 3, at Todaro's Party Center in the Valley. Mark your calendars! We mourn the loss of retired Bros. Joseph Utlak, Robert Adolph, Dennis Stanec and Dan Bocko. We send our condolences to their families. Work smart and work safe! |
OSHA 30 Classes |
L.U. 350 (i), HANNIBAL, MO—On July 11, newly elected Local 350 officers were sworn in by retired past president Bro. Don Hardy. Don also received his 60-year service pin. Congratulations to Bro. Hardy on his accomplishment. Local 350 members recently attended OSHA-30 classes. That session was completed in the fall. Hats off to members who attended this class. It takes a special person to continue training on his or her own time. Work in the area is slow, but we have been able to keep all working on Book I except for a handful of members. We see very little coming up as for now, but that changes from time to time. We have three lock and dam systems in our area. The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers is discussing making two of them hydro-powered in the future. The Corp estimates starting sometime in 2016. Wishing all our IBEW brothers and sisters a prosperous future. |
![]() Local 350 Bro. Don Hardy (left) receives 60-year service award presented by Bus. Mgr. William Tate. |
'A Fight for What Is Right' |
L.U. 354 (i,mt,rts&spa), SALT LAKE CITY, UT—Work started to pick up late in the year for Local 354 members. We hope to have full employment by spring. Political action is again the focus with our VOTE Committee. Voice of the Electricians is recruiting members to get involved in upcoming elections. You can make a difference—write, phone or e-mail your representatives in Congress. Voice your concerns about the anti-union, anti-worker laws spreading in this country. American workers are being asked to sacrifice, whether they have a job or not. Many politicians are attacking our right to bargain collectively, to dignity in our retirement years, to health care, and to protections for children, the elderly and less fortunate. We have many good, hard-working people suffering because of the political posturing. This is unacceptable! Workers must unite and fight for our rights. In September, the 38th IBEW International Convention was held in Vancouver, Canada. Thank you for sending me to this inspiring convention of great brothers and sisters from across the continent. We thank those who went before us. And to those who will come after us—we welcome you. Keep up the good work and continue the fight. Get involved in your union, your community and your future. Ask yourself: Are you just a member or are you a brother/sister willing to fight for what is right? Have a happy holiday. |
Registered & Ready to Vote |
L.U. 364 (catv,ees,em,es,i,mt,rts&spa), ROCKFORD, IL—The IBEW's 38th International Convention was recently held in Vancouver, British Columbia. Delegates attended from locals all across North America. Elected by our membership, Local 364's four convention delegates representing our members were: Bros. Darrin Golden, Charlie Laskonis, Ty Hillman and Dan Schlittler. Members are treated to an annual Northern Illinois University Huskies football game and pregame tailgate party held by our maintenance electricians who work for the university. We managed to get the majority of the tailgate in before inclement weather set in. Fortunately, the thunderstorm passed and the Husky game against Army took place. The Huskies went on to rout Army in a laugher. Thanks to the NIU IBEW members for being great hosts. The 2012 primaries are just around the corner and campaigns are heating up. We again will focus our efforts on registering to vote 100 percent of our members. More than 95 percent are currently registered. We are one of the locals with the highest percentage of registered members both in the IBEW and compared to other unions as well. Statistics clearly show that, especially in primary elections, when union people vote union candidates win. Local 364 wishes all our sisters and brothers a merry Christmas and happy New Year! |
![]() Local 364 delegates to the 38th IBEW International Convention, from left: Bros. Dan Schlittler, Charlie Laskonis, Ty Hillman and Darrin Golden. |
JATC Graduation Banquet |
L.U. 380 (ei,es,i&it), NORRISTOWN, PA—Local 380 JATC held its 2011 graduation banquet at the Crowne Plaza in King of Prussia, PA. We celebrated the accomplishments of the graduates, who successfully completed their five-year apprenticeship. The new apprentices had signed up for more than just a job—they signed up for a true apprenticeship. [Photo, at bottom.] They would work on the job 40 hours a week learning the craft from highly skilled journeymen; attend school two evenings a week and maintain the required grade average; attend some Saturday classes; and perform community service. It's been quite a ride and they made it with the support of their families, friends and dedicated staff and instructors at the JATC. Each year the graduating class votes for one of their own classmates to receive the leadership award. This year the Stephen Malinowski Leadership Award went to Tarrell A. Wilks. Awards for perfect attendance in the fifth year went to: William M. Deacon, Matthew J. Giese, Sean T. Lodge, Andrew T. Reinhart, Christopher J. Rose, and Sheldon K. Sampson. Perfect attendance awards for all five years of apprentice went to Louis J. Matregrano and Scot A. McClintock. Overall achievement awards went to: Sheldon K. Sampson for third place, William M. Deacon for second place; and for first place, the James W. Mayall Award went to Louis J. Matregrano. |
![]() Local 380 JATC class of 2011 graduates: front row, from left, Jason Law, Michael Brett, Sean Lodge, Josh Yates, Tarrell Wilks, Jason Rigg, William Deacon, Louis Matregrano; back row, Thomas Lepera, Matthew Giese, Andrew Reinhart, Christopher Rose, Scot McClintock, Sheldon Sampson and Anthony Catagnus. |
Apprenticeship Programs |
L.U. 412 (u), KANSAS CITY, MO—On Aug. 27, 2011, Locals 412, 1464 and 1613 had their 14th Annual IBEW Picnic. This picnic is for members current and retired and their families. This day is filled with activities for the children, good food and fun with friends. In other news: 2010/2011 KCP&L Apprentice Program—September 2011 started a new Mechanical Apprentice Program with the following enrolled: Jeremy Blanchard, Tyler Allen, Aaron Carr, Nick Wooster, Todd Smith, Jeff Myers and Daniel Lindsay. At present we have two other Apprenticeship Programs ongoing. They are as follows: Electrical—Kavin Jones, Patrick Lampkin, Casey Lathrop and David Howard. Welders—Shawn Brownsberger, Robert Bybee, Michael Elpers, Geoffrey Johnson and Mark Heckadon. On the safety front: Iatan Generating Station's Fuel Yard went 10 years accident free as of Aug. 21, 2011! |
![]() Attendees from Locals 412, 1464 and 1613 gather for Annual IBEW Picnic. |
American Legion Project |
L.U. 494 (em,i,mt,rts&spa), MILWAUKEE, WI—American Legion Post #149 of Sheboygan Falls, WI, critically needed electrical upgrades and decided to approach Mike Zimmermann, an IBEW Local 494 Executive Board member, for possible financial assistance from our local. Mike agreed to take their request to the Executive Board, under the condition that the work would be performed by an electrical contractor that hires IBEW members. With that agreed to, Mike brought the matter before the Executive Board, which received their recommendation pending final approval from the Local 494 membership. At the May general membership union meeting, the membership approved $2,000 to be donated to American Legion Post #149. Next, the Legion had to make a decision on which contractor to use. Ultimately it was decided to have Specht Electric as the electrical contractor. IBEW members Wade Ubbelohde and Skip Theobald completed the needed upgrades. Relationships build the foundation of trust—and that trust established between Mike Zimmermann, American Legion Post #149, Specht Electric and our general membership, in giving back to our community, made this project entirely possible. Get involved and stay involved with your community, Brothers and Sisters. |
![]() IBEW Local 494 members greet American Legion representatives. From left: Local 494 members Wade Ubbelohde and Skip Theobald; Richard Wachter; Local 494 Executive Board member Michael Zimmermann; Local 494 Bus. Rep. John Jacobs; Larry Ter Maat, John Schmid and Wayne Richter. |
Hopeful for 2012 |
L.U. 498 (c,catv,em,i&spa), TRAVERSE CITY, MI—At this writing the work outlook in our area remains challenging. We are hopeful for 2012 to be a better construction year in our jurisdiction. The annual Local 498 picnic was held at Timber Ridge Campground this summer and everyone had a great time. Thanks go out to all those who helped prepare food, organize the event and do the cleanup, and to all who donated. We wish a merry Christmas and happy New Year to all our members traveling around the country and overseas. On a sad note, our local recently lost retired member Bernard Flickinger. Our condolences go out to his family. |
![]() Local 498 members and their families visit after a great meal at the annual summer picnic. |
Annual Events a Success |
L.U. 530 (i,o&rtb), SARNIA, ONTARIO, CANADA—Local 530 held our annual summer picnic on July 24. This event saw members and their families enjoy the local water park, including waterslides and bumper boats. Huron Oaks Golf and Country Club was the location for Local 530's annual golf tournament on Aug. 5. We filled the course and had a great day. It was good to see many of our retirees participate and trade stories with old workmates as well as meet younger members. As usual Sarnia's Labour Day parade was a huge success. Despite rainy weather many members and their children walked the parade route. Everyone was welcomed afterward with lunch, a beverage tent, live music, and activities for the kids. Thanks to Local 530's Recreation Club for all their hard work putting together these three events. As of this writing our members, with the help of neighboring locals, are wrapping up two new 20-megawatt solar farms. Green energy creates jobs and we wish to thank all involved. Local 530 thanks Regina Local 2038 for continuing to employ our members. |
Habitat for Humanity Projects |
L.U. 558 (catv,em,i,mt,o,rtb,rts,spa&u), SHEFFIELD, AL—Twenty-five members of Local 558 teamed up with the Marion County, AL, Habitat for Humanity to construct four homes in Hackleburg, AL, a town that was demolished by the April tornadoes that swept across Alabama. The new homes were built for families whose homes were destroyed by the tornadoes. Union members, who volunteered their time and efforts, completely wired the houses in two weekends. What a great way for a local union to become involved in the community while helping people who really need help. Every member who participated came away with a feeling of satisfaction of having helped with the project, and the families were grateful for all the electrical work on their homes. Marion County Habitat for Humanity Pres. David Cooper and Project Mgr. Fred Bryant stated: "We could never have done this without the help of IBEW Local 558." IBEW members participating were: Michael W. Donaldson, Randy Gargis, John Hart, Ricky Keel, Charles Lamon, Kenneth Lindsey, Scotty Little, Mark Massey, Ralph Mayes, Dennis Mayo, Tyler Morrow, Tim Pesto, Jason Phillips, Tony Quillen, Neal Quinn, Matthew Schults, Scotty Seal, Mac Sloan, Bradley Strait, Ricky Tice, Bob Walker, Ronald Weaver, Mike Wilbanks, Gabe Wood and Ricky Young. |
![]() IBEW Local 558 volunteers wired four new Habitat for Humanity homes for families hard hit by tornado destruction. |
30-Hour OSHA Class |
L.U. 606 (em,es,i,rtb,spa&u), ORLANDO, FL—We send a special thank-you to the 13 union members who attended the 30-hour OSHA class at the JATC. Along with the 30 hours of OSHA training, the class received four hours of Arc Flash Hazard training. Five delegates represented our local at the IBEW 38th International Convention. More than 2,000 delegates represented 714 local unions at the convention from all of the United States and Canada. Numerous resolutions were passed and a few grievances were settled. Int. Pres. Edwin D. Hill was nominated by a Local 3 member. Pres. Hill was unanimously elected to a five-year term. |
![]() Local 606 delegates attend 38th International Convention: Training Dir. Jim Sullivan (left), Bus. Mgr. Bob Carr, Asst. Bus. Mgr. Jimmie Singeltary, E-Board member Bob Bartlett and Asst. Training Dir. Janet Skipper. |
Newly Organized Contractor |
L.U. 654 (i), CHESTER, PA—Welcome to AJM Electric as a new union contractor signed with IBEW Local 654. AJM is a small contractor that has completed several small- to medium-sized prevailing rate jobs in the area over the last couple of years and performs a wide range of work, both commercial and municipal. We look forward to helping build AJM's continued success as a new partner with the IBEW and Local 654. At a time when union membership in general has become such a political topic, it is more important than ever that we portray ourselves in a positive light. Donating our time to charity or in the community provides a connection between the public and organized labor, especially the IBEW. Recently, some of our members installed electrical circuits on a memorial for fallen police and firefighters in Rose Tree Park in Media, PA. I thank Bros. Sean McGillen, Bob Hochstuhl Jr., Craig Grant and Reed Dormond for their volunteer efforts. All Local 654 officers wish you and your family a joyous holiday and a happy New Year. |
![]() Local 654 members perform volunteer work at the Memorial for Fallen Police and Firefighters. From left: Sean McGillen, Bob Hochstuhl Jr., Craig Grant and Reed Dormond. |
Kudos to New Journeymen |
L.U. 688 (em,i,t&u), MANSFIELD, OH—Congratulations to the new journeyman inside wiremen: Dalton Bays, Zac Coffing, Anthony Finley, Dustin Milligan, Bob Neault, Sean Spears and Billy Walters. Elections were held in June and our newly elected officers are: Bus. Mgr. Carl Neutzling, Pres. Mike Huffman, Vice Pres. Dan Lloyd, Treas. Gary Baumberger, Rec. Sec. Lynda Wenzel; and Executive Board members Andy Biglin, Jesse Kanz, Trent Knackstedt, Rocke Rice, Todd Simmermacher, Paul Smith and Denny Spangler. Great job, Linda Wenzel! She was named IBEW professional & industrial lead organizer for Ohio and parts of Kentucky. Thank you to the volunteers who gave their time to help in both the annual city of Mansfield Labor Day Parade and the Marion Popcorn Festival. One of our local contractors, Spring Electric, recently purchased a formerly nonunion shop located in Mount Vernon. We are sad to report the loss of members Salo Boar, Richard Hoover, Donald "Pete" Tate, John Uzunoff, and former member and contractor Steve Alfire. We send our prayers and condolences to their families. |
Labor Day Picnic & Parade |
L.U. 702 (as,c,catv,cs,em,es,et,govt,i,it,lctt,mo, mt,o,p,pet,ptc,rtb, rts,se,spa,st,t,u,uow&ws), WEST FRANKFORT, IL—The Annual Labor Day Picnic hosted by the Egyptian Building & Construction Trades and held at the DuQuoin State Fairgrounds was the largest turnout yet with more than 6,000 people in attendance. Egyptian Building Trades Pres. Dennis Peterson reported that $40,000 was donated for the purchase of the children's wristbands, which allow the kids to ride all the rides at the fairgrounds for free. We currently have several open agreements. Progress is slow in negotiations with Ameren Newton Generating. Our members understand what is at stake and we are proud of the solidarity they have shown. |
![]() IBEW Local 702 thanks members and their families who participated in representing the local in the DuQuoin State Fair Twilight Parade. |
Service Awards Presented |
L.U. 704 (catv,em&i), DUBUQUE, IA—Local 704 held local union elections June 16. Congratulations to: Bus. Mgr. Tom Townsend, Pres. Dave Wilson, Vice Pres. Mark Kaufman, Treas. Don Rausch, Rec. Sec. Jim Vormezeele; Executive Board Members Ron Heitzman, Tom Schwab, Gary Rolwes, Sean Leppert, Andy Genthe, Pete Hird and Dean Markus; and Examining Board Members Cory Kleinhans, Matt Kunau and Korey Petersen. Thanks to everyone who ran and everyone who voted. Local 704 thanks retiring former business manager Dan Hammel for his 25 years of dedicated service and extends best wishes for a happy retirement! Local 704 congratulates Robert C. Wirzbach Sr. for receiving his 65-year service pin, and Fred Galliart for receiving his 60-year service pin. Robert Wirzbach was presented his pin at this year's Labor Day parade. He received congratulations from those in attendance, including his sons Tom Wirzbach and Bob Wirzbach Jr.; newly elected Bus. Mgr. Tom Townsend; and retiring former business manager Dan Hammel. Wishing everyone a joyous holiday season and a prosperous new year! |
![]() From left are: Local 704 Bus. Mgr. Tom Townsend, retired former business manager Dan Hammel, Tom Wirzbach, 65-year pin recipient Robert Wirzbach Sr. and Bob Wirzbach Jr. |
Holiday Greetings |
L.U. 716 (em,i,lctt,rts&spa), HOUSTON, TX—Happy holidays, brothers and sisters. I hope everyone had a safe and happy Thanksgiving. The work picture continues to be slow for our area, but we are hopeful that after the first of the year job calls will pick up. In Houston and surrounding counties, this year we had one of the driest summers on record. At press time, most of the area has been under water restrictions for months. Some of our members have lost everything, including their homes, to wildfires. It was the first summer we have had to deal with wildfires so close to home. Thanks to the Texas AFL-CIO for its wildfire disaster relief program. I had the honor and privilege to represent our local as a delegate at the 38th International Convention held in Canada. Thanks to our brothers and sisters in Canada for their hospitality and for hosting such a great event. Congratulations to our new second-year apprentices, who recently made membership at our September union meeting. At this writing, everyone is looking forward to the local union's Children's Christmas Party and the Adults' Christmas Party scheduled for Dec. 10. Wishing you and your family a happy holiday season and a prosperous New Year. |
Knoxville JATC Class of 2011 |
Knoxville, TN, Local 760 Training Dir. A.J. "Junny" Pearson (center, seated) congratulates the Class of 2011 Knoxville JATC apprentice graduates. |
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Apprentices Graduate |
L.U. 776 (i,o,rts&spa), CHARLESTON, SC—Over the summer, work was steady and has now leveled out after the fall shutdowns. Also over the summer, we had four apprentices graduate and become journeyman wiremen: Jason Dixon, Dominique Gray, Joseph Michael and Stencil White. We congratulate them on that huge accomplishment. We had a great Local 776 Family Picnic over the Labor Day weekend. Thank you to all who came and participated. |
Kudos to Officers, Graduates |
L.U. 910 (ees,i&t), WATERTOWN, NY—Newly elected officers sworn in at the July regular meeting are: Bus. Mgr./Fin. Sec. Dennis Affinati, Pres. Elizabeth Cassada, Vice Pres. Daniel Reff, Rec. Sec. Brian Fikes, Treas. John O'Driscoll; Executive Board members Michael Rhubart, Keith Sixberry, Steven Young; Examining Board members Robert Erwin, James Rehley, William Writesel, Patrick Travis and Jeffrey Yousey. Delegates to the International Convention: John O'Driscoll and Dennis Affinati. Congratulations to the apprentice graduating class of 2011: Matt Bilow, James Deon, Steve Derouin, Jeff Hargrave, Donald LaBarge, Cory McNamara, Ian Mott, Joe Nemeth, Mark Pomerville, Joe Wagar and Curtis Wood. The five-year apprenticeship took a lot of hard work, dedication and sacrifice by the new journeyman wiremen and also by their families. If you see any of the graduates on your jobsite, congratulate them on a job well-done! A thank-you goes to all the instructors: Kevin Norsworthy, Rob Wray, Scott Dubuque, Kevin Poor, Pete Shuler, Gary Rabideau, Jim Rehley, Charlie Forgette, Ben O'Brien, Jeff LaJoy and Paul Wenzel—and also to substitute instructors Alan Smith, Jim Hutchison, Brian Fikes and Bryan Frank. Seven teams participated in the 4th Annual Brotherhood Bowling Tournament. Everyone had an enjoyable afternoon of bowling while raising money for our local's Brotherhood Fund. Many thanks go to tournament organizers and all who participated. |
Contract Negotiations |
L.U. 1466 (u), COLUMBUS, OH—On Saturday, Sept. 24, Local 1466 held our Annual Fall Picnic at the union hall. It was great to see so many new faces as well as our longtime members and their families in attendance. This is always a good chance for our brothers and sisters who don't work in the same location to get to know each other. In other news, at press time System Council is finishing up negotiations with AEP over our Master Contract. After that a negotiating committee of Local 1466 members will begin negotiating our Local Agreement with the company. Any members with good ideas for our Local Agreement are encouraged to attend monthly union meetings and make your voices heard. Finally, we wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season. |
Retirees | |
Holiday Program Underway |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 1, ST. LOUIS, MO— Approximately 120 Local 1 retirees enjoyed a great luncheon gathering Sept. 21. The beautiful buffet was appreciated by all. The Local 1 auxiliary marketed their handicrafts for the benefit of the Relief Committee. It was enjoyable to see friends and reminisce over a nice meal. As the holidays approach, an effort is underway to make the Christmas season a little brighter for local members suffering hard times due to unemployment. Two of our sisters organized a program whereby members and retirees can anonymously "adopt a family" to make the family's Christmas happier. This effort was publicized via the Internet and is receiving a remarkable response. Hats off to Heather Kehoe and Roxanne DiMariano. All retirees are urged to help by contacting them by e-mail at roxanna.dimariano@ibewlocal1.org or by phone at (314) 467-8165. The retirees wish all Local 1 officers much success in future efforts to carry on the traditions and spirit of our union. All Local 1 retirees who have an e-mail address are invited to share it with the secretary at: dappelbaum@centurytel.net for future communications. The final meeting for 2011 was Nov. 16. Meetings for 2012 are: March 21, May 16, July 18, Sept. 19 (luncheon), and Nov. 21. Meetings start at 10 a.m. with a light lunch and beverages served. |
![]() Local 1 retirees gather with friends at buffet luncheon. |
Woodloch Pines Trip |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 3, NEW YORK, NY, NORTH NEW JERSEY CHAPTER—Our North Jersey Chapter got together again July 5-8 at Woodloch Pines in Hawley, PA. The event was arranged by our Jimmy Piscitelli, who always does a great job. We know it's not easy trying to please 44 people. The weather was beautiful. We enjoyed boating and games and some won medals, which were worn proudly for the shuffleboard tournaments, poker, etc. Workout much needed—the food delicious. The shows were great and the staff made you feel welcomed. On Thursday they had their summer barbecue. All too soon it was time for Friday departure, but we were looking forward to our picnic Aug. 10 at the Platz Brauhaus. For all who could not join us, you were missed. Maybe next time. We all enjoyed the events, but we still think of our brothers and sisters in our industry who are out of work. We are one—and we hope things turn around soon and that fellow members will be back working. Thanks to Abe Fichtenbaum for his usual great picture. He always manages to fit us all in the photo. |
![]() Local 3, North New Jersey Chapter, Retirees Club members at Woodloch Pines in July 2011. |
Labor Day Parade & Fall Events |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 3, NEW YORK, NY, SUFFOLK CHAPTER—Our chapter took great pride walking side by side with our parent union, IBEW Local 3, at the Annual N.Y.C. Labor Day Parade to show that labor will not be silent in these very hard times. Our Chm. Jack Foley thanked the members on the bus trip back home for their participation. Our chapter has been very active planning our activities. In September we had our golf outing. Thank you to Hank Schmidt and his committee. Our end-of-summer barbecue was a great success, and all had a good time. It was a great opportunity to see old friends. Thanks to Ed Scalice and his committee for their hard work. At our October meeting the membership helped kick off our Annual Food Drive for October, November and December. All food is donated to L. I. Cares, which distributes to all food pantries. No child or family should ever go hungry. Bro. Fred Faas reported on our Annual Holiday Party scheduled for Dec. 15. Fred always does a good job with the party. We had our Annual Columbus Day Luncheon, which ran into dinner. We had a great time and a large turnout. We thank Marie and Fred Faas for organizing the luncheon. |
![]() Local 3, Suffolk Chapter, Retirees Club members and spouses walked in Labor Day parade. |
Generosity & Fall Activities |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 3, NEW YORK, NY, WESTCHESTER / PUTNAM CHAPTER—At our June meeting, in lieu of our regular 50/50 raffle, the amount collected at the door was augmented by the chapter, to allow for a $500 donation to be made to the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund. Thanks to all for their generous donations. Pension Dir. Thomas Gallagher has requested we start planning ahead for the 2012 elections and make sure everyone in our chapter is a registered voter. September started our fall meetings, with updates on union affairs and issues that affect our members. In September, a luncheon was held with 54 members and guests in attendance. Getting together with friends for lunch is always an enjoyable time. Although the weather was threatening, our annual Fall Golf Outing, which included lunch, was held Oct. 13. Prizes were awarded for longest drive, closest to the pin, closest to the line, and best score. Our various committees have been hard at work, scheduling events: A Nov. 3 chapter outing to the Westchester Dinner Theater for dinner and a show was scheduled at press time. Our annual December Christmas/Hanukkah Luncheon was still in the planning stages as of this writing. |
![]() Attendees enjoy a Local 3, Westchester/Putnam Chapter, Retirees Club luncheon at Ciao Restaurant. From left, counterclockwise: Dick Mills, Dominic Malandro, Mike Helwig, Dominic Pironti, and their wives. |
70-year Service Pin Awarded |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 22, OMAHA, NE—It has been a while since the Local 22 Retirees Club has had an entry in The Electrical Worker. We will try to be more consistent in the future. At our "Years of Service Luncheon" in May, we had 22 brothers receiving pins for 50 or more years of service. A 70-year pin went to Bro. Phil Monaco. Seventy years! That is a real accomplishment. Pres. Lou Masters wishes to remind all retired members that they are welcome to attend the monthly meeting/luncheon on the second Wednesday of every month. At our meetings we have an occasional guest speaker, discussions on insurance, health of members, politics, and a lot of reminiscing. Lunch is prepared by a volunteer retired member, and over the years we have had a variety of very delicious meals. As of this writing, Local 22 has lost 13 members this year. Let their names not be forgotten: Joseph Slezak, John Grasso, Delbert Hawkins, Milo Karasek, James Burkett, Stewart Kahn, Kenneth Sowers, Syl Orsi, Mike Flanigan, F.R. Suntken, Robert Grebl, Don Goodman and Randal Cody. |
Thanks to Volunteers |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 26, WASHINGTON, DC—2011 was like other years—we lost trusted friends and made new friends, but this year we also lost our treasurer, Terry Campbell. James Handley was appointed as our new treasurer. Thank you, Jim, for stepping up to keep us going. Each year our RMC offers a raffle to help support our Medical Equipment Fund. This year, we held the raffle in November and in our October newsletter thanked the many volunteers who helped: two pages of names! Without volunteers our club could not continue. Whether you are retired or still working, please consider lending a helping hand. What a wonderful way to start 2012. The RMC held its annual Crab Feast in October and enjoyed the great weather, good crabs and wonderful camaraderie (see photo). In September some cruised on the largest passenger ship in the world! Imagine ice skating, zip line riding, surfing and so much more, without even counting Jamaica, Mexico or the island of Labadee. Our next cruise will be in May 2012. We'll visit Norway, France, Ireland, England and Scotland! By the time you read this we may have sold out, but if you have an interest contact Bro. Rick Warner ASAP at (240) 472-0438. A trip with union brothers and sisters is one you will never forget! |
![]() Attending Local 26 Retirees Club’s crab feast are: foreground, recent retiree Donald Simmel (left) and wife Danette Simmel, joined by recent retiree Ed Higgins (back, right) and wife Jessie Higgins. |
News from the Great Lakes |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 38, CLEVELAND, OH—Greetings from the Great Lakes region. Looking out my window I seeing it's raining yet again. Wish we could ship some of it to Texas where it's really needed. I'm just thankful it's not snow! Our retirees had a great summer! We enjoyed our annual summer picnic, chicken dinner, and clambake, plus several other get-togethers. There are many retirees now and our monthly meetings are very full. Thank God there have been some large jobs starting up. We're hoping that will get some of our young men and women back to work. Having kept my report short, I thought I'd share a little poem to make you all smile: Looking Good— God bless you all, our departed members, and families. God bless America and God bless our troops. |
'Thanks to All Supporters' |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 42, HARTFORD, CT—The Retirees Club held a 50/50 raffle at the Local 42 picnic held Aug. 27. The retirees wish to thank all Local 42 members and all of the office staff for all their support and donations toward the raffle. It wouldn't have been so successful without all of you. Some of the donations will go toward helping other community organizations. Just a reminder: The Retiree's Club invites anyone who is a retired member of Local 42 to come and join them. The club meets several times a year at the Local 42 hall located at 379 Wetherell St., Manchester, CT. The retirees get together and talk about old times, share funny stories and enjoy each other's company along with coffee and yummy donuts. If you would like to get out of the house for a couple of hours, come and join them; the club would love to have you. If you are interested and would like more information, give us a call at (860) 646-7297. |
'Satisfied Travelers' |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 58, DETROIT, MI—The week following the Labor Day parade saw our retirees, their wives and guests embark on a spectacular trip to our nation's capital, Washington, D. C. It was a week packed with interesting sightseeing, camaraderie and some unforeseen excitement. En route, a truly memorial stop was made at the National Museum of the Marine Corps. At the National Air & Space Museum in Washington, we saw on display more than 200 aircraft from around the world, including the Space Shuttle Enterprise and a French Concorde jet. With a tour guide while in D. C., we visited the FDR Memorial, the World War II Memorial, Korean War Veterans Memorial, Vietnam Veterans Memorial and made a sobering trip to Arlington National Cemetery. We also visited the White House and the vast Smithsonian complex. The unplanned excitement was the result of Bro. Lee Durham having a heart attack. He was shuttled over to the hospital and had surgery the following day. Lee was brought home several days later doing much better. On the way home, we stopped by Baltimore for a guided tour and time spent at the Inner Harbor area. The return trip home, with our two motor coaches, was filled with the silence of satisfied travelers. |
![]() Local 58 Retirees Club members and guests assemble for a bus trip to Washington, D.C. |
Active & Enjoyable Year |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 86, ROCHESTER, NY—It's been a busy and enjoyable year for retirees. Our annual golf tournament was held June 25 and enjoyed by many retirees under the direction of retiree Kevin Welling and his entire staff of retirees. On June 30 our annual picnic given to us by the membership was well-attended by as many as 150 attendees. On July 27, we had our own summer outing at Henrietta Town Park with 70 people in attendance. In August many of us attended the W.G.A. tournament hosted by Detroit Local 58. On a beautiful Sept. 10, our annual clambake saw an attendance of more than 100 of us. At this writing, we were looking forward to our annual October Halloween party. I think that's enough for now and in closing I wish everyone happy holidays. |
Annual Retirement Dinner |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 90, NEW HAVEN, CT—On Tuesday, Oct. 11, Local 90 held its annual retirement dinner at the Groton Motor Inn to honor the latest group of Local 90 retirees. Honored were: Vincent Anyzeski, William Bennett, William Dickey, Salvatore DePino, Michael Giorlando, Joel Greenberg, Ronald Goode, John Hodge, Craig Leger, Michael Mierzejewski, Craig Newell, Peter Niziolek, Robert Phillips, William B. Shea, Robert Shumbo, William Street Jr. and Thomas Umphlett Jr. Congratulations to all, and we invite you to join our retirees club. Our club will hold its annual Christmas Holiday Luncheon on Dec. 6 at Fantasia in North Haven. This is always a great time with good food and good friends. I wish all IBEW members and their families a joyous holiday season and a happy, healthy new year. |
Retirees Pitch In for Picnic |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 110, ST. PAUL, MN—Local 110 retirees cooked and served sweet corn, ice cream, popcorn, shredded pork, hamburgers, hot dogs and beverages at the annual IBEW Local 110 family picnic held July 16. More than 750 union members and their families attended. Our picnic continues to get larger every year. It is great to see so many of our brothers and sisters gather together. We also had rides and events for the kids including dunk tanks, rock climbing, face painting, cash tornado, pony rides and many other fun things. We thank Bro. Joe Kelly, who does a tremendous job of organizing and setting up the picnic for our local. |
![]() IBEW Local 110 retirees gather to cook for the annual Local 110 family picnic. |
New Orleans Retirees Report |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 130, NEW ORLEANS, LA—Our Labor Day picnic was canceled on Monday, Sept. 5, due to weather from a tropical storm. It was rescheduled for Saturday, Oct. 15, and the picnic was a huge success. On Sept. 29, we had our quarterly meeting and celebrated Bro. Ralph Ehrensing's 95th birthday. Bro. Ehrensing has 65 years in our club. We wish to recognize Bro. Chad Lauga on his campaign for state representative. For several weeks everyone came together for hand billing. At this writing, a runoff election was scheduled for Nov. 19; results were not yet available at press time. We congratulate Bro. Lauga on a job well-done. Bro. Harry "Buddy" Carver celebrated his 80th birthday on Sept. 6. Bro. Carver has recuperated and is doing well. We thank Bro. Carver for all he has done for the club; job well-done. With deep regrets we lost the following brothers: Daniel Gisevius, William E. Nauck Sr. and John S. Tyler. May their souls rest in peace. Happy holidays to everyone. Until our next meeting, God bless America. |
Christmas Party Dec. 14 |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 134, CHICAGO, IL—Our Retirees Club's September $1 luncheon was a deliciously great success! On Nov. 9 we met at the Apprentice School for a tour and raffles of ten $20 turkeys. At press time, scheduled events included: a show outing in November to see a Drury Lane play, "The Sound of Music"; and a Christmas party on Dec. 14 at noon at The American Heritage Center. Check the Local 134 Web site for additional upcoming events and for monthly retirees' news. On Oct. 29, at the Local 134 Benefit we had representatives manning a retirees table. In two years our Retiree's Club will celebrate a special 25th anniversary for our club. Planning this gala are our Vice Pres. Rich Sipple and past president Bob Mersch. At each monthly meeting we have informative guest speakers on topics pertaining to senior issues. Come to the meetings, and remember: There are no strangers at Local 134, only friends you haven't yet met! We welcome all Local 134 Retirees. Noon to 1 p.m. is "Greet & Meet" time at the Retirees Club meeting on the second Wednesday of each month. The regular meeting continues until 2:30 p.m. at the union hall, 600 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago. |
'Join Our Retirees' |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 136, BIRMINGHAM, AL—Local 136 retired members meet the first Wednesday of every month at 9 a.m. for coffee, donuts and fellowship, and to "rebuild old powerhouses"; then the group heads out for lunch at the local diner. Come and join our retirees at their next meeting. |
![]() Local 136 retirees attend a meeting. |
Active & Involved |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 212, CINCINNATI, OH—On July 6, Retirees Club members and spouses gathered at Fernbank Park for a catered picnic meal, cold drinks and reminiscing. This has been an annual club event for many years. All retired 212 Sparkies are welcome to join this friendly group that meets at 11 a.m. on the first Wednesday of every month at the union hall on Fishwick Drive. We have a meeting, catered meal, and bull session afterward. Our annual Christmas party is scheduled for Dec 6 at The Meadows in Addison from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Contact Kathy at the hall for additional information. Most members are in decent health; however, some are having problems. Remember them in your prayers. Unions and union membership are under attack from our political enemies. We need to be active in protecting everything we have gained over the years. Our opposition is intense, well-funded, and ruthless and we need to be involved with our voices, time and finances. We can no longer sit back and assume someone else will defend our interest. Get involved before it's too late. |
Schedule for Meetings |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 223, BROCKTON, MA—Our quarterly meeting was held Sept. 7. After the reading of officers' reports, a moment of silence was held for our deceased members: Ernie Barboza, Eddie Cayton Sr., Henry Curran, Sheila Duggan, Everett Minichelli, Tom Moriarty and Ken Spanks. Following the business meeting, members enjoyed a luncheon and yard sale. Our schedule for 2011-2012 meetings is as follows: Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2011, at 11:30 a.m.—Our Christmas party will be held at the Fireside Restaurant in Middleboro. Members are requested to bring wrapped exchange gifts ($10 value). We will again be collecting new sox and underwear for the needy children (infants through teens) served by Gifts to Give. Wednesday, March 7, 2012, at 10:30 a.m.—The meeting will be held at the Union Hall. Wednesday, June 6, 2012, at 10:30 a.m.—Election of officers. Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2012, at 10:30 a.m.—The meeting will be held at the Union Hall. At all meetings there will be coffee and donuts, the 50/50 raffle, reports, collection of dues, a speaker and a luncheon. Please RSVP the week before the meeting so we will be able to provide adequate refreshments. |
Service Awards Presented |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 257, JEFFERSON CITY, MO—The Retirees Club met for their monthly luncheon meeting on Oct. 25 at Moose Brothers BBQ in Jefferson City. Local 257 had its annual picnic in Jefferson City on Aug. 20 and as always the food and activities were great. A few retirees were recognized with service pins during the picnic. Pin recipients were: for 70 years of service—John Sullivan; 60 years—William Lang; 50 years—Gary Fischer and Chris Binggeli; and 45 years—Richard Owens. To all of the retirees who helped with the Labor Day parade, a big thank-you. Also in September we lost one of our members, Richard Branstetter, and we want the family to know we are thinking of them. Our next luncheon will be our Christmas luncheon, to be held Dec. 13 at the local union hall. |
![]() Among Local 257 retirees who received service pins are: 60-year member William Lang (left) and Richard Owens, 45-year member. |
Greetings from Boise Retirees |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 291, BOISE, ID—The October luncheon was held in Meridian at The Great Wall of China. There were 35 in attendance, including a few guests. It was a beautiful fall day with lots of sunshine and no rain. After several cold, rainy weeks, it was great to see the sunshine. Those not going South are preparing for winter months ahead. We still have a few members struggling with health issues; overall, the majority of the club members enjoy good health. Congratulations to the Wolff family on the birth of their granddaughter/great granddaughter, and also to the Barr family on the arrival of a new grandson/great grandson. The Retirees Club thanks Local 291 for their banner, displayed in the picture below. Let us all continue to pray for our country and everyone who is struggling in this economy. Defend and protect our rights to be union members always! Our luncheons are held the second Thursday of each month. Please contact any club member for time and location. |
![]() The Local 291 Retirees Club welcomes all to join the club. |
'Planning For the New Year' |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 306, AKRON, OH—Our golfers enjoyed a warm, wet season in 2011 and are already planning for the New Year. Our "Snowbirds" have flown the coop, while the remainder have installed new spark plugs and fuel filters on our snow blowers! We hope 2012 brings renewed economic and political conditions to benefit our brothers, sisters and nation. Buying American can help our situation. Find a shirt, shoes, groceries etc. made, grown, packed or assembled in the USA. We might take a few lessons from our Canadian brothers and sisters. Our political and economic situation is a mess! Fueled by greed and choked up with cash from lobbyists, electorate control of elected officials has been temporarily lost. Do not despair—we are, after all, a very young country in the scheme of the world. My prayer, for our nation and our industry, is that we will grow and learn from these current situations for the betterment of all. The burdens of war, strife, famine and flood have always been carried on the backs of workers and always will be. We mourn the loss of retired Bros. Joe Utlak, Bob Adolph, Denny Stanec and Bob Trettel, and Bro. Jim Norris. It has been my pleasure to serve as the Local 306 press secretary these past years and I pledge to assist my successor in any way requested. Stay well and keep smiling! |
Edmonton & Calgary Retirees |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 424, EDMONTON, ALBERTA, CANADA—The Unit 1 Edmonton & Unit 2 Calgary Retirees have been busy. The Edmonton crew was responsible for the count of the mail-in ballots for delegates to the September International Convention in Vancouver, Canada. Nine delegates were elected from a field of 20. The Retirees did the 24th annual Pancake Breakfasts in Edmonton and Calgary. Unit 2 started things off at the July 8 opening of the 10-day Calgary Stampede & Exhibition under sunny skies. "Lead Chef" Dave Handley (along with "Sous Chefs" Ron Davis, Paul Stanicky, Darcy Duthie and Asst. Bus. Mgr. Larry Gatner on the grills) served a full breakfast and a lunch that included Bro. Handley's own smoked, spice-rubbed roast beef on a bun. The Unit 1 breakfast at the July 22 opening of Edmonton's 10-day Exhibition did not get its usual big attendance because of rain. However, with the recently completed renovations on our building, we seated everyone in our large meeting hall. The lunch was well attended. Since the breakfast is now a fundraiser for future Retirees' activities, the Unit 1 Retirees set a $3 charge for each meal (seconds free!) and raised $545. Thanks to "Grilling Chefs" Dick Owen, John Palframan, Bob Wright, Dennis Unguran, Ken Doucette and Chmn. Bob Hunter, as well as the rest of the Edmonton Retirees and several wives, for a great job. All Local 424 retirees are invited to attend the Edmonton or Calgary meetings. See www.ibew424.net for dates and times. |
Apprentice Awards Presented |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 611, ALBUQUERQUE, NM—Sorry I was a little premature in my last article by naming the newly elected officers, but as most of you know by now, there was a second election due to a few discrepancies. The second election was overseen by an IBEW representative with the re-election of Chris Frentzel as business manager, Carl Condit as president and Ron Chandler as recording secretary. Antonio Cruz was elected as vice president and Lloyd Beebe as treasurer. The annual appreciation banquet for graduating apprentices was in October. The Outstanding Apprentice Award went to Bobby Getts Jr. Retirees Club Pres. Tracy Hall presented first-year apprentice Gene Clarkie the C.S. Mitchell Award. Graduating apprentice Sean Wilson was recognized as receiving the Mitchell Award in 2008; Sean is the grandson of the late Bro. Everett "Dutch" Robertson. Sadly, "Dutch" passed away Oct. 1. Our condolences to the families of recently deceased members: Bro. James "Jamie" S. Howard, and retired Bros. William L. Shortz, Elvis H. Bennett, Charles J. McDermott, Ivon J. Curtis, Everett L. "Dutch" Robertson and Maurice W. Ford. Sister Diane Dressel, journeyman wireman, passed away Oct. 2. Sister Diane worked for me as a second-year apprentice in 1980 before she moved to California, where she worked since 1981. Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season. |
Annual Awards Ceremony |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 666, RICHMOND, VA—The 44th Annual Awards Ceremony sponsored by the Richmond Electricians JATC and IBEW Local 666 was held at the Wyndham Virginia Crossing Resort on Sept. 30. Bus. Mgr. Jim Underwood presented service pins to recipients in attendance. Special recognition went to Bro. Carlyle H. Kefauver on receiving his 70-year service pin. Brothers with 65 years of service: Irvin H. Davis Sr., James J. Grissom, Edward J. Jeffries, Frank S. Moore. Receiving 60-year service pins were: James R. Hill and Clyde E. Mallory. Bro. C. Henry Bowman received his 55-year pin. Brothers with 50 years of service: James M. Boyd, Clarence S. Coxon III, Joseph M. Robinson, James M. Turner and M. Edward Young. Bus. Mgr. Underwood presented 40-year pins to 22 members and 25-year pins to 29 members. Congratulations to the 38 RJATC graduates for 2010 and 2011. Outstanding Apprentice of the Year Award recipients were: Vernon L. Hodge Jr., Robert J. Humphries and William C. Leskowyajk III. Perfect Attendance Award recipients were: Robert Abel, James Belcher III, Byron Booker, Jeremiah Brandon, Walter Goree, Nicholas Harrison, Kassem Hassouna, Robert Humphries, Joseph Junod, Eric Lowery, Robert Martin, Phillip Nelson, Anthony Ortiz, Jason Overby, David Small and Chad Vosvick. |
![]() Local 666 retired Bro. Carlyle H. Kefauver (right) receives 70-year service award presented by Bus. Mgr. James Underwood. |
Report from Kitchener Retirees |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 804, KITCHENER, ONTARIO, CANADA—Chartered in 2003, the Retirees Club has grown from a small gathering to more than 75 enthusiastic members, who not only socialize at monthly meetings and special events, but also perform extensive community service through Local 804 events. This was a busy year on the social and entertainment calendar. We attended a Blue Jays ball game in Toronto in April, and a wonderful production of "My Fair Lady" at the Shaw Festival in Niagara on the Lake. Our counterparts in the Toronto Local 353 Retirees Club graciously invite us to their annual Christmas dinner/dance. We also were honored to join them in their 30th anniversary celebration. The Hamilton Local 105 Retirees Club invited us to their 29th annual dinner/dance celebration. Special thanks to our hosts from both clubs. A group of volunteers earned recognition for Local 804 by completing yet more Habitat for Humanity homes in Kitchener. Another group of retirees also has been working on similar projects in Owen Sound and elsewhere in the Kitchener area. This was an election year for Local 804 officers, and with a ballot required for delegates to the International Convention, there were many candidates for the various positions. The return ballot (by mail) was very professionally—and I must add, patiently—sorted, accounted for, and finally counted by a very competent group of mainly volunteers from the Retirees Club. We hosted retired members from Hamilton Local 105, Toronto Local 353 and Ottawa Local 586 at our big annual Oktoberfest celebration. Until next time, good health to all. |
![]() IBEW Local 804 retired journeymen gather at a Habitat for Humanity build site. Volunteers pictured are, from left: Harry Holloway, Doug Richards, Don Schiedel, Ron Ditner, Richard Baechler, Bob Kaufman, Bob Hutchinson, John Reiter and Ron Mederak. |
Tribute to a Union Brother |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 915, TAMPA, FL—Attendance at our meetings has been very good. Meetings are held the first Monday of each month at 12 noon. Lunch is provided. We invite all IBEW retirees living in west central Florida to join us. Last June, retired brother N.F. West passed away. Bro. West was the epitome of a good union member. He served on the executive board for many years. Also he was on the apprenticeship committee. His service and hard work served this local well. Bro. West ran a lot of jobs in our jurisdiction. He always ran a good union job, both looking out for the contractor and treating his workmen well. I personally feel fortunate to have worked with him. |
'Outstanding Turnout' |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 1205, GAINESVILLE, FL—Our retirees met Aug. 19 to enjoy boiled peanuts (southern caviar) along with excellent barbecue with all the trimmings, lots of visiting, and war stories that were met with great approval. The retirees had another opportunity to get together along with the rest of the local's membership during the annual Labor Day picnic held at Blue Springs Park near High Springs, FL. The turnout was outstanding and the menu included more barbecue. It was great to see members we had not seen for quite some time. As a retiree, I think back to the good times and wish all locals had Book 1 clear. Buy American and this can happen! |
![]() Local 1205 retirees: from left, front row, Edna and Buck Hill, Tommy Paulling, Vicki Brabham, Ben Brabham, Barbara Nicholson, Quincey Sparkman, Clayton Graves, Martha Weaver, James Brown; second row, Ruby Paulling, Fred Studdard, Raleigh Veal, John Nicholson, Wayne Sparkman, Dub Fowler, Nyla Fowler, Wesley Weaver; third row, Fannie and Vernon Bernard, Wayne Hinson, Malta Blackburn, Scotty Lowe, F.N. Thomas, David Davis; back row, John Burch, Lanny Mathis and Dan Bracewell. Bus. Mgr. Matt Meadows snapped the photo. |
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