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June 2014

February International Executive Council Meeting
Minutes and Report of The International Executive Council's Regular Meeting

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The regular meeting of the International Executive Council was called to order at 9:15 a.m., by Chairman Pierson, on Monday, February 3, 2014, in Naples, Florida. Other members of the council in attendance were Calabro, Calvey, Clark, Riley, Walter, Lavin, Smith and Galbraith.

International President Hill

International President Edwin D. Hill met with the members of the International Executive Council to discuss a variety of matters affecting all branches of the Brotherhood.

International Secretary-Treasurer Chilia

International Secretary-Treasurer Salvatore (Sam) J. Chilia presented financial reports covering the IBEW Pension Fund and the Investment Portfolio of the Brotherhood — both in Canada and in the United States.

Legal Defense

Payments for legal defense, made from the General Fund, were examined and approved in accordance with the requirements of Article X, Section 1, of the IBEW Constitution.

Financial Reports

The International Secretary-Treasurer's Reports for the various funds of the Brotherhood were presented to the members of the International Executive Council, examined, approved and filed.

Resolution Regarding Expenditure Authorization
Under the Canada Elections Act

A motion was made by Ross Galbraith, Eighth District International Executive Council, and the members of the council unanimously approved the resolution regarding expenditure authorization under the Canada Elections Act. The Canada Elections Act requires a group, including a trade union, to register with Elections Canada if it exceeds $500 or more in election advertising expenses as defined by the Canada Elections Act. This resolution is required to register with Elections Canada in accordance to the Canada Elections Act.

Charges Filed with the International Executive Council
Against John Pryor, Retired Member of Local Union 38

On September 18, 2013, Brother James F. Embrescia, a business representative of Local Union 38 preferred charges against John W. Pryor, Card Number D808892, a retired member of Local Union 38, presently receiving IBEW Pension Benefits, allegedly violating Article XI, Section 6 (d), of the IBEW Constitution.

In August 2012 Brother Pryor applied for and was granted IBEW Early Pension Benefits commencing in November 2012.On October 1, 2013, International Secretary-Treasurer Salvatore Chilia suspended IBEW Pension Benefits until this matter was investigated and decided by the IEC. After a thorough review of the facts presented in this case, the members of the executive council found Brother Pryor guilty as charged. The executive council has suspended Brother Pryor's IBEW Pension Benefits for six months. In addition, Brother Pryor is ordered to pay retroactive Per Capita commencing the month of violation until the month he re-applies and is approved for pension.

IBEW Pension Benefit Fund
Consolidated Statement of Net Assets,
Financial Statements ending December 31, 2013

Reviewed and Filed

IBEW Consolidated Balance Sheet
Financial Statements ending December 31, 2013

Reviewed and Filed

Article XX and XXI Cases

The IBEW has been involved in two cases under Article XX of the AFL-CIO Constitution, Port of Portland and Port of Vancouver, (ILWU and IBEW Local Union 48) and Ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach and Oakland, (ILWU and IBEW Local Unions 11 and 595, Iron Workers). On the day mediation was scheduled for the case for the Port of Portland, the ILWU announced its disaffiliation with the AFL-CIO, removing itself from under the AFL-CIO constitution. Article XX is therefore no longer an avenue for attempting to resolve this ongoing conflict.

The IBEW is not involved in any disputes arising under Article XXI of the AFL-CIO Constitution.

Retirement of International Vice President

Ted C. Jensen, International Vice President, IBEW Eighth District
Effective — March 1, 2014

Retirement of International Representative

Francis Maio, International Representative, IBEW Ninth District
Effective — March 1, 2014

Retirement of International Office Employees

Johnetta Brown, Accounting Department
Effective — April 7, 2014

This regularly scheduled meeting was adjourned, on Tuesday, February 4, 2014, at 12:30 p.m. The next regular meeting of the International Executive Council will commence at 8:30 a.m., on Tuesday, April 8, 2014, in Lake Buena Vista, Florida.

For the International Executive Council

Patrick Lavin, Secretary
February 2014

The IEC acted on numerous applications under the IBEW Pension Fund. For a complete listing,, clicking on the International Executive Council link on the "About Us" page.