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August 2022 International Executive Council Meeting
Minutes and Report of The International Executive Council's Regular Meeting

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The regular meeting of the International Executive Council was called to order at 1:45 pm, by Chairman Erikson, on Wednesday, August 31, 2022, in Austin, Texas. Other members of the council in attendance were Calvey, Shirey, Furco, Wine, Chincio, and Griffiths. Council members Calabro and Riley attended via audio/video conference call.

International President Stephenson

International President Lonnie R. Stephenson met with the members of the International Executive Council to discuss a variety of matters affecting all branches of the Brotherhood.

International Secretary-Treasurer Cooper

International Secretary-Treasurer Kenneth W. Cooper presented financial reports covering the IBEW Pension Fund and the Investment Portfolio of the Brotherhood both in Canada and in the United States.

Legal Defense

Payments for legal defense, made from the General Fund, were examined, and approved in accordance with the requirements of Article X, Section 1, of the IBEW Constitution.

Financial Reports

The International Secretary-Treasurer's Reports for the various funds of the Brotherhood were presented to the members of the International Executive Council, examined, approved, and filed.

Resolution — Darrin Golden

The members of the International Executive Council adopted a resolution regarding Darrin Golden's transition from Chief of Staff of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers to the National Electrical Benefit Fund to serve as Executive Secretary-Treasurer. The resolution clarifies Darrin Golden's entitlement to relocation benefits under the IBEW's policy at the time of his retirement from NEBF, and authorizes the International Secretary-Treasurer to take steps to amend the Officers Plan to allow for continued participation in the Plan while working for NEBF.

Resolution — Reimbursement of a Portion of Travel Costs for the International Convention

The members of the International Executive Council adopted a resolution supporting the International President's authorization to pay delegates to the 40th IBEW International Convention who were seated by the IEC, but not paid mileage or reimbursement pursuant to Article II, Section 11 of the IBEW Constitution because their credentials were not received or in the mail on time, seventy-five percent (75%) of the amount paid under Article II, Section 9 of the IBEW Constitution to delegates to the 40th IBEW International Convention whose credentials were received or in the mail on time.

Resolution — To Make Technical and Conforming Changes to New Constitution

The International Executive Council, as authorized under Article XXVII, Section 3 of the IBEW Constitution, directs the International Secretary-Treasurer in his compilation and editing of the new IBEW Constitution, to correct article, and section designations, punctuation, cross-references, and to make such other technical and conforming changes as may be necessary to reflect the intent of the changes adopted at the 40th IBEW International Convention.

Resignation and Retirement of Frank J. Furco III, Fifth District, IEC

Pursuant to the retirement of Frank J. Furco III, Fifth District, IEC, effective September 1, 202, International President Lonnie R. Stephenson appointed Donald B. Finn to fill the unexpired term. The IEC unanimously confirmed his appointment to be effective September 1, 2022.

The IEC would like to thank Brother Furco for his service and wish him well.

Acknowledgement from The International Executive Council to the IBEW Information Technology Department

The International Executive Council would like to acknowledge the tremendous work at the 40th IBEW International Convention by Information Technology Director Darren DeMarco and his team. Their work allowed the IBEW 40th International Convention to be done paperless with minimal problems. On behalf of all the delegates to the 40th IBEW International Convention, the IEC wants to say, "Thank You."

Appeals Filed with The International Executive Council

The International Executive Council conducted a thorough review of the facts pertaining to an appeal from Local Union 429-member Thomas J. Arp, and it is the decision of the IEC to deny Brother Arp's appeal.

The International Executive Council conducted a thorough review of the facts pertaining to an appeal from Local Union 353-member Robert L. Menzies, and it is the decision of the IEC to approve Brother Menzies's appeal.

The International Executive Council conducted a thorough review of the facts pertaining to an appeal from Local Union 25-member Susan E. Wienands, and it is the decision of the IEC to deny Sister Wienand's appeal.

Article XX and XXI Cases

There were no new Article XX or XXI cases during the second quarter of 2019.


There are two local union under trusteeship, Local Union 2330, St. John's Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada and Local Union 1501, Baltimore, Maryland. The IEC authorized a six-month extension to both trusteeships for Local Union 2330 and Local Union 1501.

IBEW Consolidated Balance Sheet ending June 30, 2022

Reviewed and Filed

IBEW Pension Benefit Fund Consolidated Balance Sheet ending June 30, 2022

Reviewed and Filed

Retirement of International Vice Presidents

Thomas M. Reid,
International Vice President, First District
Effective — June 11, 2022

Michael D. Welsh,
International Vice President, Third District
Effective — October 1, 2022

David J. Ruhmkorff,
International Vice President, Sixth District
Effective — July 1, 2022

Retirement of International Representatives

Mark D. Brueggenjohann,
Director, Media Department
Effective — July 1, 2022

David A. Hoque,
International Representative, Business Development Department
Effective — June 1, 2022

Gary D. Osborne,
International Representative, Fourth District
Effective — September 1, 2022

Robert O. Wratschko,
International Representative, Research Department
Effective — July 1, 2022

International Office Employees

Liz M. Boyd,
Data Control Clerk, Pension Department
Effective — May 1, 2022

William P. Zell,
Engineer, Building Services
Effective — July 18, 2022

Rubina J. Allred,
District Secretary, Ninth District
Effective — September 1, 2022

Vested Pension

Ruth A. McGlew
Effective — June 30, 2022

This regularly scheduled meeting was adjourned, on Monday, August 31, 2021, at 4:19 p.m. The next regular meeting of the International Executive Council is scheduled for Tuesday, December 13, 2022.

For the International Executive Council

Myles Calvey, Secretary
August 2022

The IEC acted on numerous applications under the IBEW pension fund. For a complete listing, consult, clicking on the International Executive Council link on the "Who We Are" page.