LU: 701   Jurisdiction: IL   Updated: 4/11/2024
Classification: Inside Journeyman Wireman   Referal Hrs: 7:00am-4:00pm
Scale: $45.45   Assessments: 3.00%
Pension I: $16.50   Pension II:    Annuity: $10.03
Vacation: $7.13   Health & Welfare: $13.90
Book I Status: Promising   Book I Count: 46
Book II Status: Promising   Book II Count: 257
Details:  Scale and Fringe Benefit numbers listed above are for Commercial Journeyman Wiremen. Telecommunication Rate: Scale:$37.85 Annuity:$7.16 Pension:$16.00 Vacation:$3.20 HW:$13.90 Assessments:3.00% October 6, 2023 - Book numbers are: A-1:46,R-1:0,T-1:8, A-2:257, R-2:0, and T-2:10. Job calls are posted daily on our website at or on the recorder at 630-393-1701 ext. 2141 after 4:15 pm.
Local Contact Info:
City/State: NA  Address: NA
Phone: NA   Email: NA   Website: NA

JobsBoard Response