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The week of August 23 might have seemed like a typical late summer period, but it was anything but normal.

Those who follow the news closely saw three other things happen that week. On Monday, August 23, the U.S. Labor Departments new regulations on overtime pay took effect. The fight to overturn those regulations is still going on, but if it fails, at least six million American workers will lose eligibility for overtime pay within a year, and
pressure on those companies, including organized employers, to lower their pay to compete will be intense.

Later that week, the same Department of Labor announced that poverty in the United States was on the increasefor the third year in a row.

And finally, the Department of Health and Human Services announced record increases in Medicare premiums, a direct hit to the pockets of senior citizens.

All this stuff might be in the section of the newspaper that many readers skim over on their way to the sports or entertainment sections. But the week of August 23 was a summary of the way things are going for people like usworking men and women trying to put food on the table, provide a decent life for our families and stand together with our brothers and sisters as union members. It was not a good weekjust as it has not been a good four yearsfor people like us.

In a union as large and diverse as the IBEW, only a fool would expect unanimity. There are many factors in all of our lives that motivate us to act, including influencing the way we vote. As a Brotherhood, we are obliged to respect all opinions, and we do. We have given space in this issue to all viewpoints, as you can see. But we simply suggest that all members ask themselves a very important question before going to vote. How are people like us doing under the current Bush administration?

From the day George W. Bush took the oath of office, we have been using our columns, speeches and other forums to tell you the truth about what has been happening to the working people of America under this presidency. This issue provides a summary of all that has taken place since January 2001 that has hurt people like us and helped people who already have wealth and power and want moreat our expense. We are presenting the facts one last time before the election.

We hope you use this information to make your choice, but in the end, it is your choice, no one elses. We ask that each and every eligible IBEW member, along with their families and friends, exercise the precious right to vote in this years election. We have brothers and sisters on active military duty defending the right to vote. We owe it to them to vote. We owe it to our children to vote. And most of all we owe it to ourselves to be part of the process that will shape our common future.

Vote on November 2, and make your voice heard.

October 2004 IBEW Journal