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Avaya Update #6

Tuesday, May 13

Today, Avaya presented proposals to revamp the healthcare benefits of all active employees. The medical proposal involved increases in co-pays, deductibles and annual maximum out-of-pocket expenses. The prescription drug proposals also involved major increases in payments by union members. In addition to increases in both plans of 100 percent or more, they also proposed making generic drugs and mail orders mandatory.

The company said the changes would shift costs to employees of approximately $14 million per year. They also said Avaya needed these changes in order to move forward. To add insult, their final presentation involved premium payments by all represented employees. This presentation resulted in heated discussion across the table. Avaya will present retiree healthcare proposals on Monday. We are also scheduled to meet Wednesday and Thursday of this week on other proposals.

The subcommittees did not meet today. Your bargaining team continues to work on counter proposals to present to the company. As indicated in yesterdays report, you need to let Avaya know what you think of their ridiculous proposals. Maybe the CEO will forgo his bonus rather than cut our healthcare.

In Unity,
IBEW Bargaining Team